The Butler & Maid, Descending & Dismayed

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Ciel woke not long after he fell asleep, crying from a nightmare. He broke down and clung tightly to Sebastian, not knowing he was embracing the very person he had not wanted to be near him. "I want to go home! I want to go home!!" Sebastian frowned and recalled something from long ago,

 "My command is an absolute imperative at all times. Do you understand Sebastian?"

Sebastian handed the boy off to Aurora and stood, "Well then." He glanced back at the others, "Now what?"

Ciel was screaming and sobbing, begging that he wanted to go home and he hated this awful place. Aurora sang him another lullaby, and after he was lulled into a trance of sorts, she kissed the boy's forehead which sent him spiraling into a deep sleep. The Phantomhive staff all left the room hours after, having finally laid the earl to sleep. Aurora yawned, "I didn't think we'd ever get him to sleep." Sebastian huffed in response and pulled her close, allowing her to close her eyes and lean on him. "We gotta get the young master back to normal!" Bardroy moaned. Sebastian thought for a moment, "Perhaps we could try shocking it out of him?" He tried. Tanaka shook his head and sighed, "Cease, I pray you. The best medicine for that which ails the heart and mind is rest. I am certain the young master is experiencing emotional turmoil, in times like this, we must not succumb to panic or impatience." Aurora nodded, "I agree. All we can do is watch over him." Sebastian looked down at her, noticing how using her angelic powers tired her out. Sieglinde came over, Wolfram carrying her as per usual. "We are going to the village to discuss the matter of Herr Wolfman," the little girl said softly. Wolfram growled, "Don't get up to anything funny while we are gone." The two left and Sebastian looked down at Aurora and swept her up into his arms, "All that has happened this time around puts this case well outside of my purview, so perhaps it is best to wait and see for a little while yet." He started down the hall, "I'm going to bring Aurora to our room, then I'll return. Finny, see to the young master." He walked down the hall with Aurora in his arms, "Black! Snow!" Snake came running up, Oscar around his torso. Sebastian paused, "Oscar's back! Says Goethe." Snake said. Sebastian nodded, "So how did it go?" Snake continued, "Have I got the scoop of the century for you chaps! Says Oscar." 

Aurora stirred as the Phantomhive staff talked, "There are wolfmen underneath the castle?!" She woke fully when she heard Bard's yelp. "Then Lady Sullivan is in league with the Wolfman?!" Mey-Rin asked. Aurora murmured, "She was quite afraid when the Wolfman attacked one of the villagers... The attacks could very well be against the young Lady's wishes." Sebastian glanced down, "I'm sorry darling, did we wake you?" Aurora shook her head and yawned, "I needed to wake up anyways." She frowned, "When we opened the passageway earlier there was a talisman of sorts in the doorway. I'm no expert, but I had years to study and it looked like it stood for magic of some sort." She looked at Sebastian, "Herr Wolfram and Lady Sieglinde are gone, we have some time to take a quick look." Sebastian nodded then looked to the other servants. "Can we count on you to cover for us?" Mey-Rin stammered, "Wh-what do you plan to do, what?" Sebastian set Aurora down and stood beside him. "We are butler and maid to the Phantomhive family," She said, "It goes without saying that the pair of us can infiltrate a room and not be found out."

The couple went down to the passageway and began pulling the bricks out. Aurora hissed as her dress tore, "I actually liked this dress..." Sebastian glanced back, "We should get you a change of clothes." Aurora sighed, "That would be a good idea..." They walked into the chamber, "Well that merely required a feat of strength." Aurora stared at the vast chamber. "Woah. This is rather a sight to behold." She spread her wings and flew up, eyes scanning the chamber. "Angelica!" Sebastian called, "Be careful!" Aurora looked back at him, "Malphas! Come here! We can get a better look at things using our wings!" Sebastian sighed, "If we do that then we run the risk of being found out." His mate flew over and flew around him, grabbing his hand and gently tugging him up just off the ground. "Malllphass! Come on! It'll be fine!" She flew up a bit, just out of his reach. "Don't you want to-" She stopped looking downwards. "What on earth?!" She flew down. "Malphas! Malphas, I think I found something!" The demon jumped down to see his mate sheath her wings and walk onto a sigil on the floor towards a staff. "Be careful! We don't know what that is." Aurora rolled her eyes and walked over to it, "This must be what they call a magic staff. It looks like it's made from..." knelt down to examine it. "A variety of calcite?" She spread her wings again and flew up a few feet, "The sigil is made up of the Theban alphabet, more commonly known as the Witches' Alphabet." Sebastian nodded, "What else can you distinguish? Can you read it?" Aurora hummed, "Bits and pieces." Sebastian stiffened, "Wait- could this be-?"

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