White Maid, Dissolution Part 2

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As the seemingly child queen stood before them, a wicked laugh made Aurora freeze. She felt her blood run cold. She knew that laugh. That laugh had once belonged to her best friend in heaven. 


Aurora whipped around, pushing Ciel behind her as she spotted Ash Landers seated nonchalantly upon the top of the tower, a small smirk on his face. 

"Terribly surprised aren't you? Her majesty is the absolute picture of youth."

 Aurora sneered, "Ash." The angel stood in front of Ciel,  resembling a lioness guarding her cubs. Ash smirked and jumped down, continuing.

 "Her loss. Her great loss of her beloved husband ended her majesty's happiness. She was a truly wretched creature, pained and mourning her husband's death to a degree that threatened even her own survival." 

Aurora glared coldly as the other angel walked past her and Ciel to stand beside the queen.

"Indeed her grief was so great that she tried to end her life.

 In an attempt to save her, I joined his body with hers that they might live together forever."

 Aurora gasped, "Y-you-" She couldn't comprehend this. What Ash had done-

"You what?" Ciel breathed, horror creeping into his voice as he remembered the horrific sight of his parents stitched together body.

 "I can tell that my late husband  is pleased with what i have done to keep us together. I can feel his body still." Victoria put a hand above her heart. 

Aurora felt sick.

 "His heart beats inside me. 

Thump. Thump. Thump. The throbbing of life. Truly what greater joy can there be than being made one with the person that you love?"

She looked to Ciel then, a sweet, sickly kind smile on her face as she addressed him, speaking gently, kindly. "I did the same for your parents. They left this world together as one. So it wasn't such as ghastly a death as you imagine."

 Ciel's face was twisted in anguish and horror.

 "Come Ciel, surely you must agree." Victoria pressed. 

Aurora put her hands on Ciel's shoulders, glaring coldly at Ash and Victoria. 

"The queen and her husband fully intend to guide England- no the world, to a future with a brighter light. A world of beauty and harmony. That aim has purged her majesty of her impurities, and now she is the chaste girl you see before you." Ash smiled sweetly, his purple eyes calm and sweet. 

Almost trancelike. 

Aurora glared as he spoke, "Hers is a truly noble goal, she is indeed a most worthy master for an angel."

At that, Aurora hissed, unsheathing her rapier. "I would disagree Ash! What you've done is unforgivable!" 

Ciel chuckled, "You an angel? Surely your joking?"

 Victoria smiled at the earl kindly, "It's time Ash. Unsheathe your blade, our dear Ciel here deserves to see the end of it." 

Ciel's eye widened. 

Aurora readied her rapier as Ash drew his own. Aurora snarled, eyes glowing a beautiful white gold.

 "You will not touch this boy, Ash! To do so you have to kill me first!" 

Ash smirked, readying the blade. "If it is your demand, Princess..."

As the two angels went toe to toe, The queen chattered away, "Ash's blade is a thing of true beauty. It will bring forth the brightness and purity of a new century."

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