His Butler & Maid, Abused

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Years passed.

 Angelica had made multiple escape attempts. Her most recent one had brought her to the edge of a cliff. A cliff that was supposedly a gateway to the Underworld. Just before she could jump, she was grabbed. She had screamed, begged for Malphas to come save her, to pull her down into the barren Hellscape, to rescue her from this horrible life. She couldn't take it anymore. Her once flawless body was covered in bruises and scars. Scars that when she was in the presence of her father, would be healed straight away, returning her flawless skin. It had been a hundred and thirty years.

 All throughout that time she had tried to escape. 

She was dragged back to Laverne Manor instead of the dungeons this time, and she grew slightly hopeful her father wished to stop this horrid abuse. She had been whipped, starved, beaten, had her eyes ripped out and then spent months regenerating them. She could remember how life was before. She could still remember those days, sparring with Lucian, sparring with her father, sometimes even Raphael. When she was brought to Laverne Manor, Raphael was there, looking somewhat sympathetic. Angelica limped inside. She had put up a good fight this time.

She stood tall, pushing the fear back. She carried herself with dignity, walked through the halls like a queen, covered in the blood of her enemies. She was breathing heavily, and her body heaved with each movement. Her silver blue eyes were cold as ice. She refused to accept defeat. Her father entered the hall. A sad look in his eyes. "Angelica. My beloved dau-" Angelica snarled, "Save me your lecture you fool! Release me! Let me go! I've been kind to you for too long! You are no longer my father! As far as I am concerned, I have no father!" There was an audible gasp from the Angelic Guard and one of them jabbed her with a spear. "You speak to the Arch! And your father! Behave yourself!" Angelic went to snap, but her father beat her to it. 

"Enough. Leave us alone. I wish to speak to my daughter in private. Remove her shackles." 

Angelica's eyes widened in surprise. Had he finally changed his mind? She bit back the hope. No, impossible. Her father would never change. When she was unchained, he looked at her concerned and came over to help her. "Here, let me help you." Angelica relaxed against her father, catching the scent of his cologne. He used to wear that all the time when she was younger. It had made her feel so safe... Her father brought her to the living room and sat her down. "Let me get a doctor, you look terrible, little dove." he paused, "Please. Do not leave. I would like to speak to you." Angelica was conflicted as he left. But something made her stay, perhaps it was the faint hope her father would change his mind. Would accept her and Malphas. Would let her go...

He returned with a doctor, who began tending to her wounds while her father spoke. "I have come to realize that the current methods... Are not quite the best." He frowned at his daughter. "I realize I cannot simply through torture force you to change your mind." Angelica sighed, "So you have finally come to your senses then?" She said, "You will let me go so I can be with my beloved?" Her father was silent. "He did not love you." Angelica sighed, "He does-" Her father set a newspaper down before her. "He has a mate. bound in 1647. Her name is Lilli." He sighed, "I showed you this in hopes you would understand. Look at him. Lord Malphas Desideriis, happily mated to one of the Lilum." 

He knelt before his daughter who stared at the news clipping with tear filled eyes. "If he truly loved you, Angelica. He would have never taken a mate. He would have waited for you." He stood. "I understand you loved him, my daughter. But he did not care for you. So I implore you, move on from him." Angelica threw the paper into the fire. "No." She said coldly, "He wouldn't. Even if he did- he probably thinks that I betrayed him! Which..." She trailed off. Her father nodded, "In a sense you did betray him. You informed me of your relationship. Had you not, you would be mated to him now. That or dead considering he is a demon."

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