His Butler & Maid, Intimate

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Not too long after Sebastian's marriage was annulled, and the mess with Alois Trancy had been resolved- while Ciel rested, recovering from the mess of an event, Sebastian and Aurora had been in the carriage, Ciel laying across Sebastian's lap, sleeping almost like the dead. Aurora glanced at the demon, 

"The past few days have been... Interesting." 

Sebastian nodded, "Indeed."

Aurora was toying with the silver signet ring again. Sebastian took notice of the ring for the first time. The ring was a dark but at the same time shiny silver, a sugilite crystal set in the center, the motif of the ring being two large wings accompanied by a shield. The crystal sat in the center of the shield, and the wings and shield surrounding it were dotted with the purest diamonds known to mankind.

"You wear that ring everywhere." Sebastian remarked, "I've noticed you toy with it when you are nervous. What is the significance of it? If I may ask?" Aurora's face fell a bit. "It was my father's signet ring." She held it up so he could see, but not removing it from around her neck. "It signified the purity of my father, the Arch." She sighed, "I suppose I should have gotten one myself. But that would mean I was in line for inheritance." She sighed, 

"But as every immortal knows, eternity is forever. 

There is no true succession.

 And no one would have wanted the child of a Fallen and an Arch as the ruling Arch. 

It also shows that I will never be Head of House.

 That honor falls to my Uncle Gabriel."

Sebastian frowned, "I had presumed Heaven was not defined by such gender rules?" Aurora sighed, "Sometimes yes, sometimes no." She smiled at him, "But does that truly matter now? I am with you?" Sebastian hummed and leaned in to kiss her, smiling as she opened her mouth to allow him tongue. 

When he eventually pulled away, Aurora caught his hand. "Mon amour? How much longer until we arrive at the manoir?" Sebastian smirked, "Not long." He promised. "When we get back, I promise- the rest of the night is ours."

Aurora paced as Sebastian put Ciel to bed, and the blonde poked her head in to see the boy stir briefly. 

"Sebas...? What's going on? What happened?" 

Sebastian shushed him, using a hand to push the boy's head gently down to the pillow, shutting the child's eyes as he did. 

"Hush. Sleep, young lord." 

Ciel looked to protest, but under the demon's reassuring and soothing gaze, he fell back into sleep. Sebastian glanced at his lover in the doorway. "What?" He asked with a bit of a laugh, "What amuses you so?" He walked to the door and joined her, shutting the bed room door while they walked through the darkened manor's halls. "Nothing." Aurora giggled, "Just- just how adorable that looked."

Sebastian paused, head tilted to the side like a curious kitten. "Oh? How so, mon ange?" Aurora sighed, "Oh it's silly..." Sebastian pushed her against a wall, lifting her up and holding her in place, head resting in her bosom, eyes trained upwards to meet her silvery blue. "Tell me, angel."

 Aurora sighed in pleasure, tilting her head back.  "You looked like you were his father. It made me think..." She trailed off with a small sigh before continuing. "What it might be like if we ever had a child." Sebastian paused, thinking for a moment. He was back into that repressed memory of when he had kissed her so long ago. 

That vision of what their future could have been.

the small brood of children... 

the tiny cottage by the lake...

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