His Butler & Maid, Clarifying

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Aurora stirred in the morning, she was wearing one of Sebastian's shirts, and laying on his chest as he kept an arm firmly around her waist. Last night would have been lovely, had it not been for the angel's malaise. She had broken into a fit of coughs, and afterwards her mate insisted she rest and that he would watch over her. His crimson eyes were now watching her, searching for any signs of pain or illness. "Are you still feeling ill?" He asked. Aurora shook her head, "No. No, I'm much better." She coughed again suddenly and Sebastian frowned, "I've contacted your mother. She will be here shortly to access your ailment." Aurora groaned, "Really? I'm fine!" Sebastian sighed, "Angel- just humor me? Please. I would feel much more comfortable knowing that your being cared for." Aurora rolled over in his arms to look at him. "Malphas please- I'm fine. It's just a little cold. It's no more than what I had that one time you came to visit me when I was ill in the Silver City!" Sebastian hummed thoughtfully, remembering the day well. "Perhaps, but it would soothe my worries about your health, my darling." Aurora curled close to him, burying her face into his chest. "You don't need to worry about me, Malphas. I'm perfectly fine." Sebastian kissed the top of her head, "I'm aware of that, my angel. But I am still quite worried about your health. It would do well to reassure me, darling." Aurora sighed, and listened to his heart beat. "I'd much rather be with you at all times, Malphas. You know I don't like being too far from you." Her mate shifted and tugged her close to his side, her chest pressed against his. "Angelica, it won't be for too long. I'll only be downstairs I assure you. And if something occurs in which the young master needs to leave the premises, I shall inform you firsthand." Aurora held him tightly. "Malphas, can't you stay a little longer?" Her mate smiled and leaned in to kiss her.

"Hello, lovebirds."

They both jumped, and Aurora gave a small squeak of surprise. She then turned to glare at the Fallen sitting at the desk in the corner of the room. "Mother! You know not to do that!" Lucia Magne chuckled, "Oh please, Angelica, I do what I wish. Now- what is this malaise you've found yourself with?" Aurora sighed, "I'm sure it's nothing, mother. Just a-" she cut off into a fit of coughing and Sebastian sat up, now looking very concerned. "Angelica?" He held her close to him as she ceased her coughing fit. He tilted her chin up to look at him. "Are you quite alright, my dear?" Aurora nodded. "Uh huh." Lucia walked over and put a hand to the angel's forehead, "Strange, your not warm." Sebastian looked over, "I thought she was either ill or pregnant. Could it be both?" Lucia shook her head, "If she were with child- even a demon child, she would have a certain glow. She'd be a bit bloated, craving souls and human food alike." Lucia checked her daughter's eyes, "Your eyes are dull, Angelica. Whatever happened?" Aurora looked confused, "I- I don't know. The only recent grief I felt was a few weeks ago when Raphael had Malphas locked away."

Lucia looked at the demon, "Do you know what you were given in your captivity, my lord?" Sebastian thought for a moment, "I was told it was a liquidized death scythe and Demon Death I believe?" Lucia hummed, "That might do it," she looked at her daughter, "Did you kiss him at any time while he was ill? Angelica this is important- you must remember if you did or did not kiss him." Angelica thought. "Yes. When I brought him back here he was still ill from the Daemon Decay. I kissed him when we came back here." Lucia snarled, "You foolish girl! You know that kissing anyone who is afflicted with such an ailment could easily transfer to the other! Especially when it is a demon and an angel!" Lucia sighed, "Regardless, we will have to use an altered version of the daemon decay treatment for her. The same goes for the death scythe mixture." Sebastian looked very concerned, "This won't kill her, will it?" Lucia shook her head, "No, not at all. At least, not anytime soon. Because she has a small fraction of it in her system, it's slowly killing her from the inside. If she's felt faint that's why." Sebastian nodded, "She can be healed, can she not?" Lucia nodded, "Of course she can. Since she is technically a Fallen, the demon treatment we used for you, lord, should work just fine. I'll send Ilia up with some as soon as possible."

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