White Maid Oneshot #32

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Summary; Sebastian can be an absolute ass sometimes. But when it comes to teasing his lover he can be just plain mean.

Set; Season 2- Just prior Book Of Atlantic

Sebastian's signals inspired by- https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdSBChw7/


Aurora Magne was a blushing mess as her demonic lover threw her against a wall, lifting her just off her feet, his mouth attacking hers and his body firmly against hers keeping her in place. Aurora gasped and pulled him close, "Sebastian!" The demon hummed holding her close, dipping his head to press soft kisses to her neck. Aurora put her hands on his chest suddenly, "Sebastian- we're going to get caught!" Sebastian chuckled, "Oh my dear, we won't get caught. I promise." He went to kiss her again when he felt his contract seal burn, a sign that the young master was calling him. He hissed in annoyance and slowly pulled away, before leaning back to rest his forehead against hers. "The master is calling me," he murmured. Aurora sighed, "We can continue another time..." Sebastian groaned, "Angelica..." 

He ran his hands up and down her lithe figure. His lover reached out and threaded her fingers through his hair soothingly. "Shush..." She whispered, "We can-" Sebastian kissed her, cutting her off. He then pulled her from the wall and back to the ground and tugged her close, leaning forward to murmur into her ear. "Meet me in my room..." He kissed her cheek as he pulled away and made his way down the hall, straightening his suit as he did. Aurora took a breath, then started back towards his room as he had requested. She bumped into Mey-Rin on her way back and paused, "Oh! I'm sorry Mey-Rin, here- let me help you." She picked up the laundry the other maid had dropped and followed the purple haired maid down the hall. "Thank you, Miss Aurora!" Mey-Rin said setting the laundry down in the laundry room. Aurora smiled, "Oh it's no trouble-" She cut herself off, snatching the box of detergent from the far sighted maid. "Perhaps I should pour the detergent." She said, Mey-Rin laughed and nodded, "Yes- that might be a good idea, yes it is!"

Aurora returned to the servants hall an hour later and stopped in her room to ensure she got the suds out of her hair. She hummed to herself and undid her bun, releasing her pale blonde hair from it's confines. Aurora picked up her brush and ran her brush through her hair before tying it back into a half bun, and slipping out of her room and looking both ways to ensure no one was there, before she walked a couple doors down to Sebastian's room. She opened the door and shut it carefully behind her. She almost screamed in shock as someone grabbed her and pinned her against the door. She quickly relaxed when she saw the familiar raven hair of her beloved demon. "I told you to come back to my room, darling..." he murmured, a soft growl inching it's way into his voice. Aurora whimpered a bit as his hands crept up her body, "Apologies mon amour, I ran into Mey-Rin. I didn't want her to mess up the laundry again." Sebastian was quiet for a moment before he backed off, "Very well." He smirked and tapped his finger against his chin. "Strike one darling." 

Aurora was a blushing mess as she stood beside Sebastian in the Undertaker's parlor. The reaper had been there to give them advice on a case, and Aurora wasn't so fond of coming here. She noticed Sebastian eyed her and looked like he was in deep thought, only his lover knew that was quite the opposite. Are you okay? It was one of his silent messages to her. Aurora nodded, still blushing. He frowned and gave a jerk of his head. Come closer. Aurora's eyes widened a bit. They were already side by side. And for this time Lau was with them. They would look like they were having an affair if they were so close. She gave a quick shake of her head. No! Sebastian's eyes had a subtle glow as he slowly reached up and tapped two long, pale fingers against the side of his cheek making his lover's blush worsen. Strike two

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