White Maid AU Storyline

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Summary; Aurora never had memory loss. How somethings would have gone instead. 

Set; Season 1

I Found You

Angelica Laverné was shivering. Malphas. She needed to find Malphas. She needed her demon. The retired grim reaper who had helped her patched her up left her to sleep in the back of his shop. She curled into the blankets the reaper had given her, and drifted into sleep.

She woke to the chime of a door bell. She gave a quiet moan and stirred, slowly waking from her sleep. How long have I been asleep? She couldn't tell. There were no windows in the back of the shop. Just candlelight. She stood and picked up the clothes the reaper had left her. She dressed herself and winced as she pulled the corset. Her face fell. My wings... She sniffed and then wiped her eyes. No time for tears, Angelica- you need to find Malphas. She hadn't seen her demonic lover in centuries. But she had sensed him on this earth. Even though she was hiding her own aura right now, keeping any being from sensing her presence. She was brushing her hair when she heard the conversation outside. Then, she heard the voice. She froze. Then she immediately turned around and ran over. The people had just stepped outside, but she caught a glimpse of the tall man. She gasped and shot out after him with superhuman speed. 

She got outside and saw him. She stared in shock, her awe making her aura visible. The demon froze. She breathed a sigh, "Malphas?" 

The demon turned and his eyes widened in shock. She knew now it was him as she saw him. She grinned and ran over, tackling him to the ground, "Malphas!" The demon's arms pulled tightly around her. He held her head in his hands, fingers caressing her face. "Angelica! Darling, how-" Angelica shook her head, laughing through her tears. "Does it matter, mon amour?! I'm here! I found you!" She held onto him tightly and the demon shushed her as she cried, "Hush. Shh. It is alright now, my angel. I'm here. I have you." At that moment, a young boy poked his head out of the carriage. "Oi! Sebastian! What on earth is-" He paused, staring at the sight. Angelica looked over and blinked, "Oh." She said, "You're in a contract?" Sebastian nodded, helping her to her feet and pulling her to his chest. "Yes. My first in some time in fact." Angelica looked a little confused, "A child, mon amour? How can that be? I've never seen such a thing." Sebastian chuckled, "Oh, my master is quite the exception, cherie." The young lord narrowed his eyes, unamused. "Sebastian." He addressed his demonic butler, "Who is this?" Sebastian pulled the angel closer, her resting her head on his shoulder with a content sigh. "Ah, young master. This is an old friend of mine. We grew up together." Angelica flashed him a teasing glare and a playful smirk, "Friend? Darling- I was your best friend." Sebastian hummed, "I would argue you were a little more than just my friend, mon cherie." Angelica sighed resting her head against his. "And I would very well agree with you."

 Sebastian brushed her hair back behind her ear, "What are you doing here, Angelica? What's an angel like you doing so far away from the Silver City?" Ciel gasped at that. Before Angelica could answer, the boy hissed, "You can't talk about stuff like that here! Just get in the carriage and do it later!" Sebastian hummed, "Very good, my lord." He offered his hand to the angel, "Darling?" Angelica nodded and climbed into the carriage, sitting across from the master butler duo. Sebastian eyed her worriedly as the carriage began to move. "What are you doing in the mortal realm, Angelica? And what ever happened to you? Ash told me you were dead." Angelica stared, "Dead?" She repeated. She shuddered, "I might as well have been. I wish I was after what they did to me." Ciel noticed the butler's eyes flash angrily at that. "Elaborate, please darling." Angelica sighed. "I don't want to relive it, mon amie. Please don't make me... It hurts too much." Sebastian leaned over and tilted her chin up. "You have nothing to fear, my love. I'll die before I allow any harm to befall you." Her eyes flashed with hurt. "Then why didn't you come after me?" Her voice cracked. "You knew where I was. Father had me surrounded by the Angelic Guard because he feared you would come rescue me. But you never did." Sebastian stared at her in disbelief, "Angelica- darling, I never knew where you were. I thought you abandoned me. I was almost killed by the Angelic Guard. Then it took me close to a year to fully heal." Angelica looked horrified by this new information. Sebastian quickly grasped her hand and squeezed reassuringly, "but I'm fine now." He said quickly, trying to calm her before she panicked. "I'm alright. I'm alright." 

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