His Butler & Maid, Viennese Waltz

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Things went well for years. Many, many years. But there must come a time when the happiness that one knows, must come to an end... And so, the beginning of the end begins.

Malphas had left for twenty or so years. His contract bored him immensely, and he thought of his angel with each passing day. When the day came he devoured his master's soul, he returned to Hell and wrote immediately to his beloved angel, asking her to meet him by the lake. 

He had spent the contract in Austria, and had become good friends with a member of the royal family there. He had received an invitation on the last day of his contract. And of course, the invitation was to a ball at the Schon Bruhn Palace in Vienna... And he required a dance partner.

 But this ball would be the best the demon had ever been to. Because this ball, was the night he would ask Angelica to become his mate. He had a speech prepared, he'd been working on it for years, and now all he needed was his soon to be mate. He smiled at the ring that sat on his desk, it had sat there for many years, waiting for this day. 

In secret, he had gone to a famed blacksmith many years ago in Ancient Greece, back when the God's influence was strong. He had the ring enchanted, the wearer would be protected from having their soul stolen by a demon, the wearer would be granted immunity to Hell's climate, the ring would also bind the two souls for all eternity. 

The red diamond in the center of the ring was one of a kind, said to have a drop of blood from the gods. Malphas had worked to get them himself. A ring with a drop of Aphrodite's blood for love, Eros' for procreation, and lastly Persephone's influence to fortify all. It had been a difficult task, finding the diamond, especially as it was in the possession of Queen Persephone of the Underworld. Malphas had risked his hide for the diamond- but thankfully, mercifully, after hearing the story of forbidden romance, did the god queen gratefully grant him the diamond in her possession.  

Malphas had had the ring band itself forged by a well known black smith on earth. The forging of the band itself had been difficult. The demon had failed countless times before finally getting it right. And now, many years later, he was going to give it to his beloved. He had done all he could to ensure her safety by his side. Now, all he had to do was propose and hope she would accept.

He paced the grassy clearing by the lake, checking his reflection in the lake constantly, and feeling for the small box in his pocket. He was suddenly tackled by a blur of lavender and blonde, followed by the excited squeal of his lover. 

"Malphas! You're back!"

Malphas chuckled, looking up at the angel pinning him to the grassy earth. "Nice to see you to, mon ange." He reached up and pulled her close, pressing his lips to hers in a loving kiss. Angelica sighed into the kiss and relaxed onto him. When she finally withdrew, she smiled lovingly at him, "I wish you never had to leave." She cuddled into his side, her body pressed close against his. "It's been a horrid twenty seven years, Malphas... I missed you so much." 

The demon held her close, "I missed you too..." He looked down at her and sighed, gently pushing a stray strand of pale blonde locks from her face. 

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