White Maid Oneshot #25

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Summary; A day of school for Ciel. Aurora takes on Ciel as a fencing student. A glimpse to the past. / Sebastian and Aurora make a deal concerning their secret love affair.

Set; Season 2

Tutor Time / Let's Make A Deal

Aurora Magne was pouring tea for Lau and Ciel while the young earl himself was fencing with Sebastian. She narrowed her eyes when she saw multiple wrong moves be made. She glared at Sebastian afterwards. "What in the name of the gods was that?" She said coldly, Sebastian frowned, "Hmm?" She poked the demon butler in the chest in annoyance, "You can fence better than that, Sebastian! I've seen you do much better!" Ciel and Lau were looking at them now. Sebastian smirked, "I assure you I am a proficient teacher in the art of fencing." Aurora rolled her eyes, "I'll admit you play the violin quite well, but fencing is simply not your forte." The demon's eyes flashed at the challenge. "Would you care to duel, my lady?" Aurora smirked, plucking a foil from the rack. "I thought you'd never ask." Ciel and Lau stared at her in shock as she walked into the fencing space. Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "You plan to fight in a dress?" Aurora smirked, "Oh please. You know I've fought in a ballgown. You've watched me fight multiple battles in a dress." She hummed and undid a button on her frock, "Unless you'd prefer I fight in nothing? I'm fine either way." Sebastian was certain right now she'd forgotten there were others in the room, he could tell that from the way she looked at him, mischief glittering in her silver blue eyes and the smirk on her face. Sebastian chuckled, taking another foil from the rack, "Oh why Miss Magne, I would be honoured to fight you." She tapped the foil on her chin and leaned forward, chuckling to himself, "Don't forget we have an audience darling." He murmured. Aurora blushed immediately and she quickly withdrew, stepping back and readying her stance. "En guard, mon amie." Sebastian smirked, "En guard, darling." 

Lau and Ciel watched the pair fight, Aurora quickly overpowering the butler and having him to the wall in a matter of moments. She giggled, "See? Compared to me you cannot hold your own in swords play!" Sebastian scoffed in annoyance. Aurora snickered lowering her foil, and walking over to lean into his face, batting her lashes playfully. "It would appear that the master of the blade reigns supreme." Ciel and Lau looked shocked and Sebastian scoffed again, "Just because you taught me doesn't mean I'm any less of a swordsman than you." Ciel groaned noticing the couple resembled bickering children.

Aurora was laughing now, "Oh mon cher! In terms of swords play, you are always going to be under me." She leaned close to the demon and murmured quietly, "However... in terms of other things... I do prefer to be the one under you." Sebastian smirked at that and his eyes flashed with lust. "Oh?" Aurora rejoined Ciel and Lau. "My, how did you learn that Miss Magne?" Lau asked. Aurora smiled, "Oh, my father taught me swords since before I could walk!" Sebastian walked over rolling his eyes, "Yes... And you rave about it every time." Aurora hummed, "Not all of us are efficient in hand to hand combat, Sebastian. I excel in swords, you excel elsewhere." The butler chuckled, "Quite true." Ciel smirked taking a sip of his tea, "Then perhaps Aurora should be my fencing instructor, considering she is able to take you down in mere moments." Aurora laughed, "Oh. You are going to be in for a treat, my little lord..." Sebastian smirked, recalling when she'd fenced with him the first time.

Malphas was sent crashing to the ground and backed against a tree. Angelica stood before him, foil outstretched towards him. The angel giggled and helped him up, "It's not that hard, Malphas." She handed him the foil and moved beside him, pressing her body against his, and guiding his body into the positions. Before long, the demon had perfected the art, and the pair of them made a dance out of fencing. Malphas would gently tap her with the foil and then they'd be in each others arms, or she would just launch herself into his arms and drop the foil, sometimes, he would simply pull his arm around her unexpectedly and kiss her. Those days they had spent together by the lake were some of the best he had known. The angel would teach him all she knew about swords play, teaching him and ensuring her perfected the art until even she had trouble beating him.

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