The Butler & Maid, Guessing & Struggling

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The ship shook then and Aurora staggered, Sebastian quickly pulling her into his arms to steady her. "What's going on?!" She cried, "Did we hit something?!" Sebastian looked shocked, "It cannot be!" He quickly pulled Aurora alongside him, racing to the wheelhouse. Aurora suddenly tripped on a piece of ice with a shriek and barreled into Sebastian. "This is no time for your clumsiness, Angelica!" Sebastian snapped pulling her to her feet before quickly moving to seal the water tight doors. Aurora glared, "I am not clumsy!" She moved to put weight on her left foot and bit back a cry of pain. I take that back, she thought, gritting her teeth, maybe I am clumsy. For an angel. Sebastian threw a knife right beside her face and she gasped, hearing the blade make contact with the undead being behind her. "Tonight promises to be a ghastly evening..." Sebastian muttered to himself.

They walked back outside and Sebastian handed Aurora his coat, "Hold this." Aurora frowned, "Sebastian? Sebastian, what are you-" She gasped watching him dive off the edge into the cold water. "Sebastian!" She screamed. She began breathing heavily, hyperventilating. She was prepared to spread her wings when the butler resurfaced and pulled himself back on board the ship. Aurora pulled him onto the deck alongside her and jumped into his arms sobbing. "Why couldn't you just tell me you were going to do that, you damned demon?!" Her voice cracked as she sobbed, hiccupping as she did. "You scared me!" Sebastian sighed and wrapped his arm around her, rubbing his hand in soothing circles on her mid to lower back. "Hush, I'm fine. I just needed to check the damage to the boat." He pulled away and started back towards the wheelhouse. "The damage is extensive. The amount of water a ship can hold is equivalent to the mass of the vessel." Aurora gasped, "Four compartments could be wholly flooded by now, that means-" Sebastian cut her off, "We've less than an hour." Aurora finally took a good look at him and her jaw slacked. His shirt was drenched against his body, his toned abs clearly visible, his vest unbuttoned and without his tailcoat. "Aurora?" Sebastian inquired, eyeing the angel worriedly, then smirking when he saw the desire in her eyes. He walked over and pulled her tightly against him and slammed his mouth onto hers passionately. Aurora moaned into his mouth, holding his face in her hands. When he pulled away, he wore a tantalizing smirk. "I promise when we find ourselves out of this situation we will have some time alone." Aurora nodded, "As long as you can look the way you do now, I'm all for it." Sebastian chuckled, and tilted her chin up, noticing how her innocent silver blue eyes sparkled with want and need. "We can certainly see, my love." He pressed a hot kiss to her lips before he draped his coat over her shoulders and his eyes flashed at the sight of her bundled in his coat. "Well you most certainly look ravishing in my tailcoat..." he murmured, "Perhaps later only in my tailcoat?" Aurora shivered and then grabbed his hand, "Come on. We can talk about what we want to do to each other on the way to finding the young master and Lady Elizabeth." Sebastian grinned, "But of course. I only wish we had another night on this boat, the past couple of nights have been quite romantic." Aurora giggled, lacing her hand with his as they made their way inside, in search of the master and lady. "You do have a talent for being romantic Sebastian, I'll give you that." He smiled and pulled her into his arms, "Am I being romantic now?" he purred, lifting her up bridal style and burying his face in the crook of her neck. Aurora sighed and ran a hand through his wet black hair, "You have no idea..."

Sebastian had Aurora's hand clasped tightly in his as he pulled her through the first class lounge. "You there! Servants!" Aurora and Sebastian turned to see a plump older man waving about a cheque. "If you save me, I'll give y-" He didn't finish his sentence before he was run over by a horse and carriage. Sebastian quickly pulled Aurora away from the scene and they made their way to the second class dining hall. Sebastian stood under a vent, and suddenly Ciel fell out of it, into the butler's arms. Aurora smiled and walked over, "Hello young master, Lady Elizabeth." As Sebastian set Ciel down, Aurora held her arms out for Lizzie. Lizzie climbed into the maid's arms and Aurora smiled noticng the lady now wore Ciel's tailcoat. "Pardon our punctuality, young master." Sebastian said moving to stand beside Aurora who set Lizzie down beside Ciel. "You two are unharmed?" He asked. Lizzie linked her arm with Ciel's. "Ciel protected me, so I'm fine!" Aurora glanced at Sebastian with a sly smirk. The earl was truly a spitting image of his butler. "What of my aunt and family?" Ciel asked. "I believe they are alright," Aurora said, "They insisted on staying to save passengers." Lizzie smiled, "That sounds like my mother, thank you Sebastian, Aurora- if they're all together they should be fine."

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