White Maid Oneshot #45

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Summary; Ciel attempts to sneak sweets at night, but instead he uncovers something that absolutely infuriates him.

Set; After book of murder


Ciel Phantomhive couldn't sleep. It was late, probably sometime in the early morning. He had given up on sleep by now. The blue haired boy was growing quite tired of staring up at his canopy. His eyes had traced the lines and seams of the blue fabric. He finally just sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed and walked out of his room, his bare feet padding down the darkened halls of his mansion, lit only by the faint light of moonlight that crept in through the window panes. He was just outside the kitchen when he heard scuffling inside. He froze.

Is it Sebastian? Could he have sensed me coming here somehow?!

Ciel didn't move for another moment, but poked his head around the corner to see Aurora snacking away at the sweets, a large black bathrobe over her shoulders. Ciel flinched and sunk back, if Aurora was here, Sebastian wouldn't be too far behind. The angel was leaning against the counter before she glanced over her shoulder, "Aren't you going to have some sweets with me?" Ciel froze.

Had she seen him?

A dark chuckle made Ciel stiffen and look around the corner to see Sebastian joining her. His arms trapped her against the counter and he chuckled, leaning forward to nuzzle her nose against his own. "You know I don't eat human food, darling." Aurora pouted, "It won't hurt you to try it. Besides, it is quite good." She took another sweet and popped it in her mouth, "You are certain Ciel will not notice you sneaking me sweets at night?"

Ciel almost gasped. Sebastian was letting her eat his sweets?! How long had this been going on?!

Sebastian let out a throaty chuckle, "Oh my dear sweet angel, he won't notice because I monitor his sweets constantly. I count them every few hours to ensure he isn't sneaking any." Aurora burst into laughter but was quickly silenced. Ciel heard a soft moan and curiosity made him glance around the corner at them. Sebastian had an arm around the angel's waist, his other hand cupped her face as he kissed her passionately.

Aurora's mouth opened to release a moan and Ciel shuddered seeing Sebastian's tongue tango with hers. When they withdrew from the kiss, Sebastian had a small smile on his face, "I assure you, you eating the sweets is no problem at all. Besides, you do need to keep your energy up." Aurora blushed, "Oh hush." Sebastian frowned, "I do wish you would sleep." Aurora shook her head, "No. I keep seeing you dead. I can't go through the pain. It feels so real every time it happens. It's trauma on top of trauma." Sebastian frowned, then he remembered.

"Your father... you found him dead that way as well. Didn't you?"

Aurora nodded, "Yes." Sebastian sighed and cursed quietly. "Angelica... I.. I am so sorry, mon ange. I did not-" Aurora cut him off, "I know. You had no choice. It was an order to keep it hidden from me. I can see why, while I do not agree with it from a morals standpoint, from a demonic one I can see it quite clearly."

She walked over and kissed his cheek, "An order does not change how I feel about you, mon amour. You know that." Sebastian frowned, "It did when it made you Fall." Aurora paused, "I was afraid to become Fallen. But I have come to realize... I might be happier this way."

Sebastian looked up, "Truly, mon cherie?" Aurora sighed and nodded, "Yes." Sebastian stood and walked up behind her, lacing his hands around her waist and holding her close. "You have no need to fear being a Fallen," he said quietly, "I will teach you how to use your new demonic powers. I will protect you to the best of my ability, I will hold you, I will keep you safe. And I will love you for all eternity. That my love, love of my long demon's life, is a promise I plan to keep to you."

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