His Butler & Maid, That Christmas

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Before the tragedy that struck the two forbidden lovers, they shared many good days by the lake. This day was a winter eve, a night in December. Aurora had gotten to the lake first, dressed warmly in shades of blues and whites. 


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With the ensemble, she wore a simple, white fluffy cloak that was wrapped around her. She turned when she heard the footsteps crunching through the fallen snow. A bright smile crossed her face when She spotted her beloved demon. Malphas wore a long black trench coat with black fur around the collar. Underneath, a dark suit of the same color. Angelica laughed and tackled him into the snow. "Finally! I've been waiting forever!" Malphas laughed, "I wouldn't say forever, my dear." Angelica smiled sweetly at him, her hand came up to caress his face. Malphas stiffened a bit as her cold hand came to rest upon his cheek. She smiled and then her hand brushed upwards to knock some snow from his raven coloured hair with a soft giggle. "You've got bits of snow in your hair!" Malphas laughed as she crawled into his lap and began batting away the snow from the top of his head. "Hey! Angelica! Cut it out!"

 Angelica giggled, continuing before he finally threw her off, sending her tumbling into the snow. She sat up and spat out a mouthful of snow. "Hey!" Malphas chuckled, getting up to walk over and pull her to her feet. "Sorry." Angelica pulled him into a tight hug and sighed, "I missed you." Malphas snickered, "I wasn't gone that long." Angelica looked up at him, "Maybe. Come on." She pulled him to the water's edge, "Look." He followed her gaze to the clear ice. Below the icen shield, they could see the life under the water continuing as normal. "Isn't it beautiful?" The angel whispered, "It's like looking through a window." Malphas nodded, "Yes. But what fun is looking out a window?" Angelica shrugged, "Plenty I suppose. I do it all the time with Lucian." Malphas's brow furrowed, "You mean your body guard?" 

Angelica sighed, "Malphas..." Malphas spat, "Angelica- he is not your friend! No one up there is! They judge you over a crime- if you can even call it that, you didn't commit! Just because your mother was a Fallen when she had you, that doesn't mean you should suffer!" He looked at her sympathetically. "There is always a place for you in Hell. With me." Angelica shook her head, "Oh Malphas, I couldn't. I love my father. I couldn't leave him alone." Malphas came over and tilted her chin up. "Please. At the very least consider it." He smiled, "I could smuggle you down? We could go for a tour?" Angelica smiled and cupped the left side of his jaw in her left hand. "Maybe another time." Malphas gave a nod and took her hand in his. "Whatever you desire, my dear." 

The blonde walked to the edge of the ice and stomped her foot on it to ensure it was sturdy. When she was satisfied, she grinned, running over to a spot under a nearby tree and holding up two pairs of ice skates. "Here! Put these on!" She shoved the ice skates into her lover's arms. Malphas raised an eyebrow. "You want to go ice skating?" He said slowly watching as she pulled the skates on. "Yes!" She squealed climbing to her feet and grabbing his hand. "Now come on! Please?!" Malphas sighed and obeyed, pulling on the skates before taking her hand and walking with her onto the ice. Angelica shrieked as she staggered, Malphas laughed as he caught her, "Are you alright?" Angelica nodded, gripping his forearms to steady herself. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." She murmured. Malphas chuckled, "Giving up already my dear?" Angelica blushed, "Of course not!" Malphas chuckled and carefully spun her around like a ballerina before tugging her back into his arms, her back coming to rest against his chest. "Ice skating is just like dancing, my dear. Just pretend you are dancing." Angelica nodded slowly and let him help her across the ice. 

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