White Maid, Up In Flames

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When Aurora awoke, it was to the footsteps and voices of men in the cargo hold. She quickly shook Ciel awake and pulled him further into the cargo. Aurora held the boy close, backing up until she bumped into something, she spun around, nearly screaming but relaxed upon recognizing the familiar face. 

"Monsieur Undertaker!" She gasped in relief. 

Undertaker smiled and put a finger to his lips. He guided the two over to sit in his little makeshift camp, Undertaker pulled out a bowl of dog biscuit shaped treats, which Ciel quickly reached out for. Aurora smacked his hand gently. "Ciel!" She scolded, "Manners! You are an Earl! Not an urchin!" 

Ciel grumbled, "May I please have some, Undertaker?" 

Undertaker grinned and handed him the whole jar. While Ciel devoured the biscuits, Aurora spoke with Undertaker. 

"What brings you around?" She asked. 

Undertaker grinned, "Will's called me out actually. Needed an extra hand for tonight. A lot of souls to reap." 

Ciel looked confused, "Tonight?" He asked with a mouthful. Aurora shot him a glare, "Ciel Phantomhive you are a Lord. Act like it. Lord's do not speak with their mouths full. I am sure Sebastian at least taught you that." She flinched after she said it. 

"Ah speaking of, Where is the black butler?" Undertaker inquired. 

Aurora held her breath. 

"We don't know." Ciel answered for her, "He disappeared." Undertaker hummed, "Oh how unfortunate." He looked to Aurora, "My sincerest apologies to you. You must feel so betrayed by him." 

Aurora's eyes widened in surprise. "I haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about, Monsieur." 

Undertaker chuckled, "Oh I think you do. A certain demoness stopped by my shop and asked me to prepare a coffin for her mate's mistress." 

Aurora gasped. 

Ciel choked. "What?!" 

Aurora coughed her face reddening in embarrassment, "Nothing happened. Nothing-" Undertaker reached behind him and pulled out a few photos.

"Oh I beg to differ, Ms. Magné."

 Aurora turned several shades of red. "Put those away, The young master does not need to see any of that. It will ruin his impression of his butler." Undertaker shrugged and pocketed the photos. "Very well." Ciel cleared his throat, "What is this about needing extra help? What do you mean a lot of souls to reap?" 

He got his answer from above, the shocked and frenzied cries of the people on the boat. Undertaker grinned,
   "I see it has already begun."

It was awful. Fire was all the eye could see. 

Ciel looked horrified, Aurora about the same. Undertaker chuckled, "I guess its time for me to leave." Aurora suddenly grabbed his arm and Ciel spoke up, "Wait. Why are you here?"

Undertaker grinned down at the young earl. "You and I have our share of history together don't we? In light of that fact, I thought I would give you a fair warning." 

Undertaker turned to face the angel and earl, a small smile on his face, "My young earl, before much longer..." Undertaker let a sadistic grin creep up onto his face. "You'll die." 

A look of pure horror crossed Ciel's face. 

Aurora hissed, "You can't just tell him he's destined to die! Even so I won't allow it! For as long as I-" 

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