Butler, Listening & Maid, Recovering

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"Why, hello there, milord! I see you're undersized as ever. I'm pleased to see you looking so well." He frowned, "Unfortunately the same can't be said for your maid." Sebastian snarled then, "Where is she?! What have you done to her?!" Undertaker chuckled, "I haven't done anything to her, master butler." From where Derrick exited, came a voice. "But I have." Sebastian narrowed his eyes as Gabriel walked out of the darkness. "Hello, demon lord. It's been some time." Sebastian's snarled, "What have you done to my wife?!" Gabriel smirked, "I am sadly but a mere human. However, I can become a threat only when I wield a weapon powerful enough." To both Sebastian and Ciel's horror, he threw a white gold rapier onto the ground in front of them. The rapier was covered in blood. Sebastian roared, "I'll kill you! I'll kill you for what you've done to her!" He made to attack him, but Undertaker pulled out his scythe in warning. "I wouldn't go further if I were you, butler." Sebastian growled, and pulled Ciel close behind his back. Ciel stood there staring horrified at the bloodied rapier. Undertaker chuckled, "This fellow gave me an idea. To improve my little creations, I would need to use these." Out of his pocket, he pulled a white feather. Sebastian felt sick. Then he growled, "Where. Is. My. Wife."

Aurora was in the backroom, a muzzle of sorts over her mouth, wings spread and aching. She didn't know how many feathers they had taken. The angel was chained to a wall, and she could hear voices, but they were faint. She heard the furious yells of her mate, and weakly thrashed in her chains. She was trying furiously to talk to him through the mating bond. I'm here.... I'm right here! In the room... I'm alive! Gabriel- the rapier! He has it! Sebastian! She could hear them talking, and she slowly raised her head, her vision weak. Sebastian... She slowly turned her head, stuck her tongue out and used her tongue to manipulate the buckles on the muzzle around her mouth. She brightened when the clasp released. She shook the thing off her mouth and took a few breaths, then released an angelic scream.


She coughed and was breathing heavily now. She heard a gun shot, and then the sound of a body falling through the ground followed by a flurry of footsteps. Sebastian and Ciel burst into the room, Aurora gave her mate a weak smile before her eyes rolled back in her head and it all went black.

Aurora woke when Sebastian tackled both her and Ciel to the ground. She coughed and pulled herself up. Her wings were sheathed, Sebastian must have replaced them. She looked at Sebastian who had the rapier in a sheathe. Aurora climbed weakly to her feet and ran with Ciel while Sebastian dealt with Undertaker. Undertaker suddenly swung forward, closer to her and Ciel. She looked at Sebastian. She knew he could only go to one of them. Ciel. She sent through the bond. Save Ciel. Trust me. I'll be fine. Sebastian's eyes met hers, for the first time in what felt like forever, she saw how frantic his eyes were. No. No! You're hurt! I have to- Aurora snapped back through the bond, Your master comes first. Save him. I'll manage. Sebastian obeyed, he ran for the boy. "Just what I'd expect from you, master butler..." Undertaker giggled. He snatched Aurora around the waist and she snarled, "Unhand me you bastard!" Undertaker chuckled, "Oh don't worry- I'm not going to wound you." He looked down, "However I feel sympathetic about the Campania. You'll have to forgive me, I wasn't aware of your... condition." Sebastian's eyes widened in realization and his blood ran cold. "What?" Aurora yelled, "Sebastian! My rapier!" The demon tossed her the rapier, and she went to swing at Undertaker, just as he let her go. The legendary reaper leapt back. "I do hope you both will continue to protect milord so loyally! Hee! Hee! Fare thee well!" Then he was gone.

In the aftermath, Ciel gave her majesty a full account on what had come to pass. The P4 were expelled, nothing more. Ciel said it was to prevent scandal of Derrick Arden, but that did not make it right. A new P4 was appointed, as was a new management. I myself was still recovering from the entire college experience. Besides, I had my mate to deal with after he learned what exactly happened on the Campania.

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