White Maid Oneshot #29

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Summary; Sebastian and Aurora's time on the Campania.

Set; Luxury Liner Arc

By Your Side

They had been running through the halls, Aurora crashing into the demon as the ship listed. She shrieked as she started to fall only for her lover to quickly pull her back and then they found the Midford's. Aurora pulled her rapier and slashed at the undead creatures, fighting back to back with Sebastian. She suddenly threw herself in front of him to slash at one of the undead, "Sebastian! Be careful!" She scolded, "That thing could have killed you!" Sebastian chuckled, "I assure you I would have been fine, Miss Magne." Aurora narrowed her eyes at him and then quickly ducked behind him, allowing him to take a hit at one of the beings that had closed in on her. They were back to back, fighting side by side, an unstoppable pair.

"Arrgghhhh!" Aurora screamed as Sebastian tied her wounded arm to stop the bleeding. The demon had torn a bit of his partner's dress to tie the wound. Sebastian tilted her chin up, "Are you alright?" Aurora whimpered, "Yes... It just stings a bit.." Sebastian kissed her cheek and took her by the hand, "Come along, let us go find the master." Aurora nodded and was pulled into his arms, "Of course." 

Sebastian was leading them through the vessel, trying to locate Ciel and Lady Elizabeth. Aurora suddenly stopped and put a hand to her abdomen. "Umph..." Sebastian paused, "What is it? Is something wrong?" Aurora shook her head, her breath heaving, "No... I'm fine... Just a little winded." Sebastian pulled her close and into his arms, "Do you need to sit down?" Aurora nodded slowly, a bit embarrassed. Sebastian sat her down and knelt before her, hands running along the contours of her face, trying to feel if she had a temperature. Aurora weakly batted his hands away, "No... I'm fine. You can go on ahead without me. Ciel needs you." Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "You must think I'm a fool if you think I would even consider leaving you." Aurora sighed, "You are incorrigible at times..." Sebastian chuckled, "And you love it." Aurora smiled and allowed him to help her to her feet, "Come, let's go get the lord and lady."

Sebastian lead the way to a second class room where he sat her down in a chair. "Wait here." He said worriedly. Aurora sighed, "Malphas, I'm fine. I promise. My arm just stings a bit. I've had worse." Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "You re still injured. You should at least rest for a moment." Aurora scoffed, "Sebastian Michaelis- I am perfectly fine. Now please stop worrying about me." Sebastian frowned and watched her for a moment in silence. Then he inspected her arm. It was slowly healing, now reduced to a rather large scab. He sighed, "This will not do..." Aurora squeaked in surprise as he scooped her up in his arms. "Malphas!" She gasped. Sebastian smirked holding her bridal style, "My lady is not well. If she cannot walk, I shall find other means of helping her." Aurora sighed, rolling her eyes. "My hero." She drawled, "Malphas, I'm fine. It isn't like I'm bleeding out." 

The demon seemed to flinch at that comment and set her down to say seriously, "please, love- don't put the image in my head." Aurora smiled and draped her arms around his neck, standing on her toes to reach up and kiss the side of his neck, just below his jawline. "You would miss me if I were not within your arms, mon cher?" Sebastian sighed, "Yes. Of course. I would be deeply pained without you by my side, mon ange." Aurora smiled lovingly at him, her eyes seemed to sparkle at his words and she leaned forward to kiss him, the two sharing a tender moment amidst all the chaos. His arms came around her waist, holding her close, and Aurora gave a small noise as his hand traveled to her thigh and pulled the limb gently onto his hip. A sudden movement caught from the corner of Aurora's eye made her thrown the both of them backwards to avoid a piano slamming into them. Sebastian grunted and then looked to his lover, "Are you alright?" Aurora nodded, "Yes. Fine. Now come on, let's get a move on."

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