His Butler & Maid, Shopping

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Seven hours.

Seven hours of roaming around London, and it only completed the first quarter of the list. Aurora was growing tired, her feet aching and shoes beginning to prod at her heels. She was currently propped up in the doorway of the Undertaker's parlor, dozing quietly, woken when Sebastian announced loudly, "Thank you, we will be leaving now." 

The blonde hummed sleepily, rising from the doorway and stepping outside, finding herself dozing once more. 

So tired... So much walking....

When she opened her eyes again, they were in the carriage, Sebastian's tailcoat covering her like a blanket. 

The demon himself was seated across from her, reading a small book which he set down hearing her wake. "Ah, awake finally, are you?" He leaned forward, "Did you have a nice nap, love?" Aurora shot him a glare, "Don't call me that. Not anymore." She yawned, sitting up, immediately handing him back his tailcoat.

Sebastian frowned, sitting back in his seat. Aurora sighed, "How much more do we have to do?" Her partner hummed thoughtfully, "The jeweler's for the young lord's rings, the tailor's for the party clothes, the butcher for the meat, the florist for the flower arrangements, some new champagne from that Italian restaurant down the way, and stopping at Funtom's shop in Harrods to check in with the sales."

He cleared his throat, "That is the first half of the end of the list." Aurora sighed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "And what time is it now?" Sebastian glanced at his pocket watch. "Almost three seventeen." Aurora moaned, "We could get this done so much faster if we didn't have Tanaka with us."

She sighed, "It takes far too long doing this the human way. And If I still had angelic magic, I could do this easily." She muttered quietly, "If I had angelic magic we could have well over half of this list done by now. We'd be setting up the mansion. And there would have been no misunderstanding."

Sebastian glared, "It was entirely your fault, if you hadn't been so reliant on using magic for events, maybe it could have been salvaged." Aurora glared back at him, brow quirked in slight challenge. "Oh really? You never rely on demonic magic?"

Sebastian smirked, "I'm under orders to do things the human way, undetected to be immortal. Rousing suspicion would go against the contract." Aurora huffed, arms folded over her chest. "Pft. I can't imagine not being able to use angelic magic. I may not be proficient, but it is useful." 

Sebastian hummed, "You will get used to it. I am here to assist if you need be." Aurora smiled at that. The demon grinned, "There it is, angel. I've missed that smile." 

Aurora blushed and sat back, "Shut up." Sebastian chuckled, "Blushing already, my dear?" he leaned over towards her, reaching up to coil a blond curl around his finger. "I have no objections if you wish to sit beside me." 

The angel sighed, leaning into his touch. "Oh... More than anything..." Sebastian smiled, pulling her closely into his arms. She sighed, "However..." She glanced up at him, her eyes sad, with just a hint of annoyance. "I know your words are not sincere. If you could truly respect my wishes, you would not be trying such trickery."

She winced, "I want so badly to be with you- why do you have to make this so difficult? I could argue that you are just as bad as Raphael. And my father. Trying to control me- keep me under your thumb so I can't run. So I can't do anything else other than obey your honey coated words."

She sat back, despite being mere breaths from the demon before her, feeling as if she were miles from him. Tears filled her eyes as she pulled her arms around her body. "All I wanted was a happy ending for us. And every time we get close to it... Something always goes wrong. Maybe it's just another sign that we should stay away from each other."

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