White Maid, Holiday Special

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Holiday: Valentines Day

Set: Sebastian and Aurora's first Valentines day.

*Smut Warning*  

The couples first Valentines Day had been spent in the circus and followed by Aurora being absolutely furious at the demon for allowing her to become a Fallen, so they had taken a raincheck. It was not long after the incident at Weston, Aurora was sitting in her and Sebastian's room one night, reading a book when the said demon walked in, moving to the ward robe and pulling out his coat. Aurora glanced up from her book, "What are you doing?" Sebastian glanced over, "Going out. Would you like to join me?" Aurora looked over at the clock in the room. "It's past Ciel's bed time. Why on earth are we going out? If it's a case can he not wait to journey to the town house tomorrow?" Sebastian smirked, "Did I say it was for the young master?" Aurora blinked and sat up intrigued. "You know I am unfamiliar with such terms. Explain it to me. Why are you going out if not for Ciel?" Sebastian walked over and leaned in, hands resting neatly behind his back, "My dear, what kind of husband would I be if I didn't take my lovely wife out to dinner every so often?" Aurora stared then grinned, "Sebastian. Are you taking me on a date?" Sebastian hummed, "Use whatever terms you desire my darling, now I've already gotten us a night planned out so I do hope you aren't too tired." Aurora hummed and slipped out of bed, draping her arms around his neck, "Oh I'm more than willing. I'm just surprised your willing to leave the servants alone, you know how scatterbrained they are." Sebastian hummed, "I believe we can leave them alone for some time, now get dressed and we shall depart."

Aurora was at her vanity not long after, pulling her hair into a loose bun,

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Aurora was at her vanity not long after, pulling her hair into a loose bun,

Sebastian had on a black shirt and was pulling on a suit jacket of the same color before he pushed his hair back behind his ear and then leaned down to his wife

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Sebastian had on a black shirt and was pulling on a suit jacket of the same color before he pushed his hair back behind his ear and then leaned down to his wife. "Are you ready, my angel?" Aurora smiled and stood taking his hand, "Of course. Now where is it we are going?" Sebastian chuckled and lead her out back to the garden, then unsheathed his wings, "unsheathe your wings my love, I've made us special arrangements." Aurora obeyed and then followed him into the night sky, her eyes on him as they flew side by side, "Come now Sebastian, don't keep me waiting, where are we going?" Sebastian just smirked and clasped her hand in his as he pulled them into descent from the sky and landed in an alleyway, both of them sheathing their wings and then walking down the street to a restaurant where they were quickly seated and ordered their food. Aurora smirked at her mate and threaded her hand with his across the table, "This is certainly surprising, what ever made you decide to take me out to dinner this evening?" Sebastian smirked, "Think of it as my apology, my angel." Aurora blinked, confused as to what he was apologizing for and unable to recall if he had done anything to insult or hurt her. "Huh?" Her look of confusion made him explain, "Valentines day my darling. Back in February.  You were quite cross with me having become a Fallen and we were unable to celebrate." Aurora stared. "Sebastian..." She said slowly, "You know I love you dearly, but you do know what Valentines Day is?" It was Sebastian's turn to be confused. "It's when you celebrate your relationship with your significant other. Is it not?" He spoke slowly, crimson red eyes widening a bit. Aurora stared at him for a moment and then burst into laughter. "Oh Sebastian! I love you but you really need to keep a book open in Angelic customs!" Sebastian stared at her as she laughed, tears streaking down her cheeks as she laughed. "Valentines day by human standards is about gifts and chocolates- but by Angel standards it's the day one of the saints was martyred because he was a minister to persecuted Christians." Sebastian stared. "Ohh...." Aurora chuckled and leaned over to kiss him, "Relax, your fine. You didn't know." Their food arrived at that moment, "Come now, let's eat."

They were walking through the darkened streets later that evening when Aurora pulled him into an alleyway, "Unsheathe your wings and follow me." He obeyed and followed as she unsheathed her own wings and flew upwards. They eventually landed on a cloud before golden gates where an angel stood on guard. Upon recognizing them, he gave a nod. "Lady Laverne. Lord Laverne." They ignored him and Aurora pulled Sebastian in through the gates humming a bit. She lead him to a small shop and smiled brightly as they entered. Sebastian's gaze fell upon a flock of kittens, some with halos and others with wings. His face reddened and he instantly sat down to play with the small creatures. Aurora joined him and laughed as he cooed over a gray kitten. He held the small creature up and sighed, "Why can we not have such lovely creatures in Hell?" Aurora smiled and leaned over, "Why don't you ask Lucifer? He would make an exception, would he not?" Sebastian hummed thoughtfully, "I'll have to ask him about it next time we see him." They continued to play with the kittens for a few more hours until they decided to return back to earth. They flew down from the Silver City and touched down in the Phantomhive gardens. Their hands linked as their feet touched the soft earth and when their wings were sheathed, Sebastian pulled her into his embrace and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. Aurora smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down towards her, moaning a bit as his tongue snuck it's way into her mouth. The demon's arms gave a forceful tug on her waist, then swept her up into his arms and spread his wings again. His mate paid no mind as he brought them through darkness and then emerged into the Hellscape. He carried her bridal style, his mouth never once leaving hers, and kicked open the doors to the Desideriis Castle. neither paid attention to anyone or anything, until they got to their room. Sebastian threw open the door and kicked it shut behind him before throwing them both down onto the bed. Aurora gasped as she fell back onto the bed, her hand coming up to caress her mate's face before resuming their passionate kisses. He quickly began to remove their clothing, suddenly desperate to feel her skin against his. When they both were as naked as the day they were born, he kissed her whilst his hand wandered down to adjust her leg over his shoulder before he filled her, eliciting a gasp from the angel beneath him. "Sebast-" He growled and clamped a hand over her mouth and leaned down, his eyes glowing hungrily. "Hush. By the time I am finished with you my beloved angel, you won't be able to walk let alone talk. Now relax..." His hands ran down her legs and he peppered kisses down her body until his hot breath hovered above her lower body. "Let me pleasure you, my mate."

"Good morning, young master." Ciel Phantomhive groaned and pulled the covers over his head. "Sebastian I'm tired, it can't possibly be morning al-" The boy stopped realizing how bright it was and sat up. "Wait- what time is it?" Sebastian hummed, "Forgive my tardiness, lord. It's ten fifty nine." Ciel shot up startled, "Ten fifty nine?!" He snapped, "Where the hell have you been then?! What kept you from waking me as per normal?!" The demon's eyes flashed a bit and Ciel sat back. That was when he noticed Aurora was not in the room as she usually was, handing him his tea or coddling him. "Where is Aurora?" He asked glancing at the angel's husband and mate. Sebastian smirked, "She was feeling a bit unwell this morning my lord, I allowed her to sleep in as I did you." Ciel nodded slowly and sipped his tea. "Ensure that she is feeling better for our trip into town next week," Sebastian chuckled, "Certainly, my young lord."

Aurora was strewn about in her and Sebastian's bed at Phantomhive manor, she couldn't feel her legs. Sebastian had been right, he had made certain she would be unable to move. Feathers of black and white were scattered throughout the bedroom, and she noticed her and Sebastian's clothing from the night before on the carpeted floor, her dress was slightly torn, she'd have to mend it later... The door to the bedroom opened and Sebastian entered, a devilish smirk on his face, "Hello darling." He walked over and leaned down to kiss her. Aurora moaned and rolled over, "Good morning, Sebastian..." The demon chuckled, "I suppose now you see why I moved us to Hell for our... moment." Aurora smiled and nodded, "Oh yes. I can definitely see why you had us return to the castle." Sebastian smiled, "I do hope you know the sounds you made last night were ever so attractive. I hope I can draw them from you again." Aurora laughed quietly and nodded, "Oh I'm certain you'll do that." He moved to help her sit up and she hissed in pain, "Did you have to be so rough though?" Sebastian chuckled, "I did warn you it would be rough, my angel. Was it too much?" Aurora hummed and nodded, "A bit." Sebastian smiled, "Then I shall be a bit more gentle in the future, my love." Aurora nodded and yawned, then reached out to caress his face, 


"Yes, my angel?"

"You don't suppose Ciel would give me the day off, do you?"

A/N: I'm currently waiting on my next bit of the manga to arrive via courier so for now I'll do a few short one shots to keep this going.

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