The Fallen, In the Depths of Grief & The Butler, Surveying

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Sebastian couldn't lie. He was disappointed. Disappointed that she hadn't seen through the façade, disappointed he'd had to play corpse in front of her. He had figured she'd pick up on the ruse eventually. He had half expected a scolding when she came into the wine cellar alone- where he'd had to make a mad dash to his place before she stepped down that final step.

He could only be thankful she had spared him one second to avert her gaze before finally gathering the courage to look. He was surprised she didn't pursue further in her suspicions, he'd squeezed her finger this morning- albeit the action was entirely accidental. He couldn't resist the urge to comfort his future mate.

It'd gotten her attention, but not enough so. She'd shaken it off as rigor mortis. When she realised he wasn't still, she'd laughed it off, thinking she was going insane. 

That was one thing he hadn't considered. 

Angels were complex creatures. Archs even more so. And as a half breed, she was far more susceptible. Archs by nature, were blessed with great power- however, such power could only be used in their true form when they were in the Silver City or another realm with prominent Angelic Magic present. 

To make matters worse, she wasn't even completely healed from the circus it seemed. She'd been sick every day since that case, not improving much in the slightest. 

But more so, as the daughter of the Arch Angel himself, Angelica was cursed with human emotion. And far more delicate angelic abilities. He supposed there was some merit for her isolation. Granted, isolating her was something he could never do. Abandoning her to a lifetime of loneliness was a fate to cruel to bestow upon her. With all she had seen already, she didn't deserve to be alone. 

In the event, however, that he had to leave her side, he knew Ilia would serve as decent company. His twin sister was not yet mated, so she'd remain in the castle with the angel. It was a contingency plan- in the event he could not bring his beloved with him. 

He was fairly certain he could keep her hidden from any contractor- 

That was when the loud wail pierced through his train of thought.


His vermillion eyes burned as they looked to her, the Fallen angel collapsing into the dirt, screaming, sobbing, finally accepting him as dead.

He was beginning to consider going against his orders more than he ever had. 

"You don't even know if that bloody key is out here!" Bard was arguing, glaring at Mey-Rin and Finny, the three of them arguing beside the Fallen on the ground. "Well we don't know it isn't either!" Mey-Rin had snapped back. 

The demon glanced at the blonde, her head bowed as she hunched over, sobbing. Aurora was muttering something, and he narrowed his eyes, trying to read her lips. 

"Please.... Malphas, don't be.... please..."

"If it wasn't for Mister Sebastian-" 

Aurora grit her teeth, nails digging into her palms. "Enough!" She screamed. Her head whipped around to face the three servants, all of whom stilled at her scream. Aurora's eyes were bloodshot, the usual starry blue turning into a sapphire cobalt from the redness and her tears. Her blonde curls had melted away and to become soft waves that plastered to her pale skin from the downpour of rain. 

"Enough, all of you! Sebastian is dead. He's not coming back. And it isn't as if you even knew him!"

The demon in hiding shifted lightly, wondering if he should find a loophole.

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