Hollow Maid, Divorcee Butler Part 2

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Some hours had passed before Aurora Magne returned to her young lord's office. To her surprise, Ciel was already dressed. "Are you going somewhere?" The angel inquired, head tilted to the side in curiosity.

Ciel frowned, "A letter from the Queen. There have been quite a few worrying incidents lately involving young boys having their eyes gouged out of their skulls." The angel shivered, "Honestly, my lord- I cannot believe the Queen allows you to work on some of these cases." Ciel shrugged, "I am the Queen's Guard Dog and the Head of House Phantomhive. It is my duty." 

They entered into a small house, and Aurora's eyes softened in pity at the young survivor. The poor child's one right eye was gouged out of his head, and nail marks littered his face. 

He looks like the victim of a vicious bear attack... What I don't understand is how this damage could be done by a human...

She looked to the boy's mother, the peasant woman biting her shaking lower lip, and tears threatening to spill. 

Poor woman... I can't imagine how she must feel. Failing to protect your child must be the worst feeling.

Her mind began to wander back towards Sebastian. 

I hope he comes back soon, something doesn't feel right.

Aurora's attention returned to Ciel as he spoke to her now. "Aurora... Come. Let's speak outside."  She cleared her throat, "yes. Of course, my lord."

A little later, Ciel was loomed over a map, trying to find a pattern between the Phantomhive household and Trancy household. Aurora was off to the side, pouring the Earl his evening tea only to stiffen when she saw the map again. 

That pattern... it's... She shook her head. Stop it, Angelica- not everything has to do with Trancy. Don't encourage any fixations.

Ciel was grumbling about Alois mocking him. Aurora sighed, "My lord- Alois Trancy is dead. You know that. How can he be the one responsible for these crimes?" Ciel waved his hand dismissively, "He must have survived his injuries. Stubborn, I admire that..." 

He turned back to his housekeeper, "Aurora- do you know anything about Alois's being?" 

Aurora thought for a moment, she recalled seeing Sebastian speak briefly with Claude at the party's end before he had left. And a pit in her stomach formed when she recalled seeing him appear with a rose tucked in his breast pocket, mirroring that of Claude's. 


Aurora shook her head, "I can't say I do, milord."

She cleared her throat, "Pardon me a moment." She left the room, trying to remember every second from when she saw Sebastian after the forest encounter.

"There you are!" She exclaimed as he walked back inside, a large rose on his lapel. She frowned, "What is this?" Sebastian batted her hand away before she could touch it. "Nothing, angel. Let's dance, shall we?"

He'd taken them to wait for the next dance, and that was when Lilli had stolen him away. 

And Claude came to her with the same rose.

Aurora felt sick. "No..." She whispered, "He couldn't have made a pact with him. It's impossible..."

She put her head in her hands. "Please tell me you didn't do that, Malphas... Please- come back to me now, I need you..."

She sunk back against the wall, then suddenly things went dark.

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