His Butler & Maid, At School

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"You've got transformations and shifting your form down, now lets see how well manipulation is." Angelica frowned as he smirked, "Try to manipulate me into doing something." Angelica sighed, "Malphas- why would I ever want to manipulate you?" Malphas took a drink from the glass of red wine in his hand, "Because if you can manipulate me, then you can manipulate most anyone and the skill will be easy to use on earth. Now, give it a try, my darling. Simply concentrate on me and what it is you want me to do, then tell me what it is you wish me to do." Angelica nodded slowly, and focused her silver blue gaze on him. He watched as her silver blue eyes became that of fuchsia rimmed by heavenly silver, and he felt his mind clouding. He could almost hear her voice speaking to him  through his mind, and he heard the words in Latin clearly. "Consurge, veni huc, et da mihi osculum." He stood, almost mechanically, set down his glass of wine, and walked over to his mate, he was no longer in control of his body- but he could see clearly what was happening. His hands came up to wrap around her waist, before he felt his mouth move down to meet hers in a tender kiss. When she released her hold on his mind, he smiled and let out a chuckle, "Well done, my mate. You are quite good at this, while I was aware of my actions but unable to do anything, the act done upon a mere human will certainly work wonders." Angelica relaxed and leaned into his arms, "At least I can do some demon things." Malphas hummed thoughtfully, "Oh I'm sure you can do much more, I know now that you're mated to me you should have a much higher pain tolerance." Angelica curled into him, her eyes flashing lustfully. "Shall we test that out, Malphas?" Her mate stiffened as her nails ran along his body, and released a small groan and smirked, "You've caved, Angelica..." Angelica smiled, "I suppose I have, now- how will you be taking me this time?"

Much later that day, the couple was curled in the large bed, covered in cuts and bruises, both breathing heavily. "That was... amazing." Angelica breathed before flopping over onto her side. Malphas chuckled, "Is it not always amazing?" Angelica giggled, "You are simply one hell of a lover." Malphas chuckled, "Of course I am. And you my dear, are simply one hell of an angel." He rolled on top of her and pressed his mouth to hers in a rough, passionate kiss. The angel beneath him moaned and her hands cupped his face. "Malphas..." He growled in response to her moans and bucked his hips against her. "I could take you for all of eternity, my angel." Angelica gasped as he roughly grasped her by the hips and lined himself up against her entrance before thrusting harshly into her. "I can see that! But more so, I can feel that!" Malphas chuckled darkly and leaned over her, making a steady rhythm of moving his hips. "Does it bring you pleasure my pretty little angel? Does it make you want to stay locked away with me for all eternity?" Angelica groaned, "Maybe just a little bit..." She gasped as he delivered another harsh thrust. "Malphas!" Her mate chuckled, "We could always remain here, in this room, never leaving... Leaving only to get a meal every once in a while..." Angelica groaned, "No matter... how much.... pleasure this brings, we can't sit around and have sex forever. It would get terribly boring at some point, wouldn't it?" Malphas growled, "With me I promise you my angel, sex between us will never ever be boring." He collapsed on top of her after some time and his hands caressed her face, "And, in all honesty, sex now is much better than before. It's more... intense." Angelica sighed, tilting her head back as his lips pressed against her chest in soft gentle kisses. "I think so, maybe we should take the time to disappear from the manor for a time to enjoy each other. I'm sure we could manage to slip away at some point." Malphas hummed thoughtfully, "I'm sure that can be arranged."

The entire day was spent in bed, as was most of the next, on the third day, they both woke to a knock on the door. "Lord and Lady Desideriis?" It was Avem. Malphas growled and rolled off his mate, pulling the bed sheets up over her before sitting up to glare at the door. "Enter." His voice was a demonic growl and the door opened, an ember colored light flooded into the room and Angelica groaned and rolled over onto her stomach, pulling the pillow over her head. Avem gulped and spoke, "The Lady Lust has asked me to inform you that your vacation is over and that the little lord has need of you both." Malphas nodded, "Yes, relay to Lady Lucia we will be returning shortly." Avem bowed, "Yes, my lord." He quickly left the room and shut the door, quickly walking down the hall. Malphas looked over at his mate and gently shook her. "Angelica, wake up, my love. We are needed." Angelica groaned and burrowed into the sheets more. "Just a little longer, Malphas? You really took it out of me yesterday." The demon chuckled, a slight demonic undertone to his laugh, "I did, didn't I? Now we need to get up, the young master has need of us." He slipped out of the bed and walked over to the closet, pulling on his butler uniform and the black trench coat over it. His gaze flickered back to the blonde angel in bed, her long light blonde hair strewn about the pillow as she dozed quietly. Malphas sighed and grabbed her a pretty velvet red dress and a pair of black slip ons.

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