His Butler & Maid, On Board & Making Enquiries

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A/N: As per usual, translations are located at the bottom of the chapter.

Sebastian was standing in the study Ciel seated across from him attempting to read a German text about introducing himself and horrendously butchering it. The butler shook his head and sighed, "That will never do. Your pronunciation is still terrible and you are stressing the wrong syllables. Try again." Ciel frowned and opened his mouth to try again when Aurora entered the room with a tray of sweets. Ciel brightened instantly and made to grab one but had his hand slapped away by the maid. "Nein! Fragen Sie nach einem auf Deutsch!" Ciel groaned, not understanding much of what she had said, but got a faint idea. "Bitte haben Sie eine Sübigkeit, Aurora?" Aurora frowned and handed him one. "Close." She said, "But you still don't know basic German like the back of your own hand." Ciel frowned, "Should I? Because I'm about to give up- I'm beginning to feel sick!" Sebastian sighed, "You simply lack discipline, Ciel. And I am to blame for not instilling any into you..." Ciel glared at him. Aurora cleared her throat, "Anywhere you do business you should learn the native language." Ciel scoffed, "It isn't like I want to go or do business there. It's just what her majesty has ordered me to do." Aurora frowned, "Let me see the letter." Ciel handed her the letter and her silver blue eyes ran over the words. "So we're going to Southern Germany." Sebastian nodded, "Yes, the queen cannot send officials so she's sending us instead." Aurora sighed, "I hope your Eastern Franconian is better than mine, Sebastian. I never quite perfected the dialect." Sebastian smirked, "I'm fluent in it. Albeit a tad rusty. I can go over it with you now if you'd like?" Aurora chuckled, "Oh so now your going to tutor me are you? What happens when I get the question right?" Sebastian moved behind her and laced his fingers through her own. "Ich denke, Sie werden feststellen, dass die Belohnung sehr angenehm sein wird, mein geliebter Engel." Aurora smacked his arm teasingly. "Halt! Sie hoffen am besten, dass Ciel nicht versteht, was Sie sagen!" Ciel stared cluelessly at them. "I have no idea what either of you are saying." Aurora smiled, Sebastian's arm wrapping around her waist. "Trust me, Ciel. It is best that you don't."

Not many days later, Chlaus was in the a Phantomhive Manor eating dinner. Sebastian was standing near by as per usual, Aurora was in the kitchen with the other servants. "The master wants us all to go?" Bardroy asked surprised. Aurora hummed in approval, "That is what he was saying. It will be an extended trip. The entire household will be going with." Finny looked thrilled, "This is going to be real exciting!" Mey-Rin glanced up, "What about you and Sebastian, Aurora? Surely the two of you have made arrangements?" Aurora shrugged, "We will go with as always. You three will remain behind at the lodgings, we'll accompany the master. Simple as that." Mey-Rin nodded, "Yes but aren't you and Sebastian going to start having children? Most married couples do." Aurora shook her head. "We've talked about it," she said. "If it happens it happens. I'm honestly a little hesitant though. I've only just gotten him to actually support the idea of children and now that's he's actually enthusiastic about the subject, everything is so real." Bard chuckled, "Gotta say- wouldn't mind a little one runnin' around the manor. Might bring some light around here." Aurora smiled, "Yes I suppose it would." Sebastian entered the room then and looked over, "What's this about running in the manor?" Aurora cast him a sweet smile. "Nothing, Sebastian. The others are just curious as to how long it will be until we start making mini butlers." Sebastian looked confused for a moment but then his eyes widened. "Aurora, are y-" Aurora shook her head. "No. We were just discussing it. No need to worry." Sebastian visibly relaxed and pulled an arm around her before addressing the servants. "I'm sure Aurora informed you that we will all be making the trip to Germany. I'd like all of you to begin your packing immediately." The group of servants went off to pack and Sebastian smirked down at his wife, "So, shall we set to work on producing a child?" Aurora frowned, "if you see it as work it's not fun or exciting, Sebastian." The demon pulled her to his side, "I do suppose you have a point..." Aurora glanced up at him, "If this errand the queen is sending us on is as dangerous as it sounds, we should wait until after this task." Her mate frowned, "Of course. Whenever your ready." He kissed her cheek then walked off to prepare their things to leave. He wasn't completely sure what had happened. Aurora had been more than eager before to have children, now she was holding back? He decided it was because of the recent events at Weston and she was somewhat terrified that what happened on the Campania might happen again. He had hoped that her talking about her trauma might have helped, but now he was beginning to worry it hadn't done much at all. He passed by the study again later that night, pausing when he heard muttering inside. "My lord?" He stepped inside to find Ciel hunched over the table, and half asleep. The boy was murmuring a sentence in German, sounding a bit better than he had before. "Nett, Sie kennen zu lernen..." Sebastian smiled and entered the room, Ciel not even registering his presence. He walked over and put a hand upon the boy's head, immediately his eyes fluttered shut and he fell into sleep. "Sebastian?" He looked up and noticed Aurora in the doorway. He smiled and picked Ciel up from his chair. "I thought it was time he get some rest." Aurora hummed, "You could have asked me to put him to sleep." Sebastian nodded as he moved over to join her. "I didn't want to bother you." His mate stood on her toes to kiss his nose. "You and Ciel are anything but a bother." She followed along to Ciel's room and took a cloth with water to the boy's face to wipe away a bit of drool from his mouth. Ciel stirred and blinked up at them. "Can you stay here for tonight?" He murmured sleepily, quickly falling back into slumber. Aurora had a small happy smile on her face and she stroked the boy's hair gently before slipping into the bed alongside him and humming a song and pulling him close so he rested in her arms. Ciel curled closer to her in his sleep. She looked back up at Sebastian, who was standing off to the side and waved him over. "Come on, it's not as if he's going to bite you. He's no more harmless than one of the kittens in your closet." Her mate chuckled and obeyed her, climbing into the bed alongside her and Ciel. Once he was settled in between the two, Ciel gave a small happy sigh in his sleep and resembled that of a sleeping kitten. Sebastian's face was red as he tried to hold in all the emotion he was feeling, but the dam broke after Ciel gave a small yawn ending in a cute little squeak. "That was adorable..." Sebastian murmured. Aurora giggled quietly and leaned back against the pillows of the bed, "He reminds me so much of you when we were younger." Sebastian raised an eyebrow in silent question. "Oh?" He said, "How so?" Aurora sighed, "Oh where to start... You carried yourself like a lord, but then whenever we would be taking naps by the lake you would have a similar little whine in your sleep." Sebastian scoffed, "I do not whine." Aurora smirked, "You did once." Sebastian rolled his eyes and his mate laughed, "Your more alike than your willing to admit, I remember you used to shift into all these cute fluffy little animals trying to be as you called it, 'scary'." Sebastian looked shocked. "I don't remember any of this. I think your memory fails you, my angel." Aurora shook her head, "Nope! I remember clear as day the amount of times you would shift your form into a cat or a cute little wolf pup." Sebastian shook his head, "Uh uh. I was never cute." Aurora leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Yes you were. My cute little demon." Sebastian sighed and pulled her and Ciel closer to his side. "I suppose I've got no choice. I am a cute demon." Aurora lifted her hand to turn his face towards hers. "Your my cute demon."

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