His Butler & Maid, Engaged

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Aurora stared, Sebastian opened the small box, inside was a pretty ring (that had clearly cost him a pretty penny),

it was made from a light blue diamond, encased in a golden embellishment, small diamonds scattered throughout, and the decal of a pair of angel wings on one side, and devil wings on the other

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it was made from a light blue diamond, encased in a golden embellishment, small diamonds scattered throughout, and the decal of a pair of angel wings on one side, and devil wings on the other. The band itself was made of a pretty silver, the small box it was in was a royal blue. Sebastian smiled, "Well? Would you like to spend eternity with me?" Aurora nodded, "Yes. Yes!" He slipped the ring onto her finger and jumped into his arms, making him grunt a bit as she did. She jumped back, "Oh! Sorry!" Sebastian shrugged and pulled her back into his embrace, "I'm used to a little pain." He smiled down at her, "We have all eternity, together my lady." Aurora smiled and clasped her hand in his, "All eternity, Malphas." She whispered softly, "I'm your for the rest of our immortal lives."

It took them a day to return to London. When they got to the port, they hired a carriage to return them to the estate. Aurora was dozing in Sebastian's arms, and Ciel smirked, "I see that 'bonus' went to good use. She said yes?" Sebastian smiled and gave him a nod, "Of course she did. If she hadn't I don't think she'd be with me right now." Ciel nodded, "Make sure you both rest when we return to the manor. When I say rest I mean rest. Not other things." Sebastian chuckled at Ciel's blushing. "Whatever do you mean young master? The lady and I will of course rest. After all, we are both gravely wounded." Ciel nodded, "Will her wing be alright?" Sebastian sighed, "It is too early to tell my lord. But I believe with some times she will be fine." Ciel watched the blonde angel sleep, "At least she doesn't need to fear looking at her wings. She knows they haven't changed." Sebastian frowned, "Did you not notice, my lord?" He asked, "Her wings are white. Not white gold. The gold tints are gone. I believe because she is part arch that prevented her wings from darkening." Ciel leaned back against his seat and slowly drifted off to sleep. Sebastian smiled at the sight of the boy sleeping. His arm curled around Aurora, and pulled her closer to him. He would need to take a trip to hell with her soon, preferably while they were recovering from the Campania. They would need to let their respective families know about their mating, but the actual mating they could do themselves. And that was something the demon was absolutely looking forward to.

"Young master! Sebastian! Aurora! Snake!" The Phantomhive servants rushed out to meet them when they saw them getting out of the carriage. Ciel looked over at Tanaka and Mey-Rin. Tanaka, Mey-Rin, you'll both be filling in Sebastian and Aurora's steads for now. They were severely wounded in the Campania." All eyes fell on butler and maid, Sebastian leaning heavily on Aurora who was helping him up the steps to the mansion. "Come on, just a little further, Sebastian." She murmured, guiding him inside. Mey-Rin and Finney looked extremely concerned. "What happened?!" Finny whimpered. Ciel sighed, "Sebastian sustained a massive stab wound while trying to save me from a violent passenger." The young earl watched with wide eyes as Aurora supported the demon butler, practically carrying him to the guest room he was lending them to recover. "Oh my! Will he be alright?" Mey-Rin asked worriedly, following Ciel into the mansion and down the hall to the guest room where Aurora was helping Sebastian into the bed. "Tanaka, Mey-Rin, would you both retrieve some of Sebastian and Aurora's things from their rooms? They'll be out of commission for some time." The servants looked confused, "My lord..." Mey-Rin said slowly, "Isn't that a bit.... improper? For Mister Sebastian and Miss Aurora to be sharing a room?" Ciel smirked, "Not anymore." The servants all looked over, hearing Sebastian give a groan of pain. It was then they noticed the shimmering engagement ring on Aurora's ring finger as she helped him lay down.

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