Sweetest Maid, Bedewed Butler

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As they stood in a standoff, Aurora's gaze flicked to Ciel, the boy still on the ground, and clutching his arm. 

Broken. Aurora cursed silently, I never should have tackled Claude- if I hadn't he'd still be alright.

Her attention deviated to the demons. Claude's foot was still planted atop her back. 

If he presses harder something will definitely break- but it doesn't mean it won't heal. 

It definitely won't be expected to cause myself harm, but then I'm useless to Sebastian if he needs me.

Her eyes flicked up to Sebastian. He was clearly seething, angry that Lilli would dare threaten him, and that Claude was pinning the angel. 

Aurora tried shifting only slightly, wincing as Claude dug his foot further into her back. 

There's no way to get him off... Wait... What if I...

She moved again, and the second Claude moved his foot, she went limp. All eyes were on her, and Sebastian resembled a rabid beast. Claude loosened his grip, and removed his foot, bending down towards her when she quickly snatched her rapier and slashed at him, the blade slicing through the palm of his hand, and his blood bubbling like boiling water.

Sebastian surged forward then, and Aurora squeaked in surprise as instead of going to  the other demons, he grabbed her roughly by the arm and pulled her back behind him. 

"Aurora, get the young master out of here. See what you can do about the situation inside." Sebastian waited for no response, immediately going to deal with the other two demons. 

Aurora sighed, "Don't need to tell me twice..." She turned to the young earl, "Are you alright? No injuries?" Ciel scoffed, "My arm hurts." Aurora hummed, "I'll take a look at it later, now come along, let's go see what's going on inside."

Ciel grumbled quietly as he followed her back to the manor, and her eyes widened as she heard it.

"An armonica!" She gasped, yanking Ciel back by the collar of his shirt. "Hey!" Aurora ignored his protests, "Ciel, go to the carriage. Cover your ears, and under no circumstances, come inside. Sebastian or I will come get you when it is safe, do you understand?"

The boy could see the desperation in her voice, and nodded. "Right." 

She watched him run, then turned back to the manor, walking inside and easily locating the Trancy maid. 

She strode into the ballroom, glancing at the partygoers. All possessed from the sweet sound of the armonica.

She walked up to the second floor, debating how to go about the situation.

I could try singing, an angel's voice is like poison to the ears of a demon. But if Sebastian comes in, he might be affected...

She caught a glimpse of the glasses, and smiled.

Sebastian reentered the room, finding things at peace. Aurora was by his side in an instant, "Are you alright?" She fretted, eyes checking him over, and rounding on him, ensuring not a scratch was lain upon him.

"Perfectly." He said, catching her arms, "And you?" 

She smiled, "Now that you're here." 

Her face fell then, "On a more serious note, I told the young master to stay in the carriage. He's broken his arm, and he needs rest." Sebastian nodded in agreement, "True. It has been a tiresome night." He offered his hand, "Before we depart can I interest you in a-"

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