White Maid, Transmitted Part 2

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"We have a tool, the ultimate reaper tool to which we managerial class of The Grim Reaper Staffing Association can use." Will pushed his spectacles up again before continuing, "This tool is the 'Death Bookmark'." Ciel furrowed his brow, "A bookmark?" Aurora watched with wide eyes as the Undertaker pulled it from a book with a wicked chuckle, "And it's pink isn't that lovely?"

Aurora's silver blue gaze swept over the others, "So what does this bookmark of yours do?" She asked, "I'm quite interested." Undertaker stood beside her and explained, "If we use this to hold the story, we can make some editorial changes. The woman in this story happens to be Mathilda Simmons. Says here that she is purified in the abbey by the angel Angela." Ciel leaned over, "But the sentence just ends there." Undertaker giggled, 'So I just added that Sebastian Michaelis the butler and Aurora Magné the housekeeper  appear suddenly."

Aurora opened her eyes to find herself in the chapel again, Sebastian by her side. "You wish to die at the hands of an angel do you? What a pious demon you are, indeed Sebastian Michaelis." She turned to glance at Aurora, "And you, a traitor to your own kind. Such a shame I'll be ending the life of the Arch Angel's daughter this evening. May you rest in peace, Angelica Laverné."

 Aurora unsheathed her wounded wings with a grimace, but cast a firm glare on the opposing angel, "This is your last chance Angela," She said, "Leave now and I shall forget this entire event ever transpired. Should you proceed with whatever foolish plan you've concocted I will slay you with my father's sword." 

Angela chuckled and flew up into the air, at the same time Sebastian launched his own attack. Aurora watched from the ground as they fought, she slowly drew her father's prized rapier, ready to fight. "You think a demon can compare to the purity a winged angel in flight?" Angela challenged the demon butler. Aurora looked over at Grelle, "I need you to throw me at her while she's distracted." Grelle grinned, and picked her up, as if they were about to throw her. "Ready when you are, Rara!" 

As Angela came close towards the ground, relaxed in flight, Aurora hissed at Grelle, "Now!" Grelle threw her, and Aurora raised her weapon, slashing at Angela's wings, earning a cry from her foe as she cut a part of her wing. "A demon may not have wings like an angel- but you forget that you aren't the only angel here!" 

At that moment Will slammed Angela into the wall with his reaper scythe, as Aurora tumbled into Sebastian. "Let's get to work." William said tossing Grell a spare scythe. Grell squealed with happiness before plunging the end of the scythe into Angela's already wounded wing. Aurora stepped forward, a small smile on her face. Sebastian stood beside her watching with a wicked smile, it unnerved the young angel slightly, but she felt (strangely) incredibly comfortable around the demon now, especially since he hadn't tried to harm her after discovering who and what she was. 

"Wash it and return it when your done, Grell." Will said sternly. Grelle's face fell, "Agh, so cruel." Aurora stood beside Sebastian as he spoke, "This looks like it could be fun," Aurora watched as he drew a set of knives, "do you know what, Aurora?" Aurora cocked her head in confusion as he handed her a few, "I think we should have ourselves a game of darts." Aurora watched with wide eyes as Sebastian threw the first few knives at Angela. 

Aurora gasped watching the blades pierce through the angel's skin. "Oh dear," Sebastian said sarcastically, "I missed. Now, whatever do you think I should aim for next?" Grell cheered, "Pick me! I want to play!" Will scoffed, "A demon alright."

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