White Maid One Shot #38

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Summary; Malphas convinces Angelica to run away with him. / A look into the present where she considers her choices.

Set; Past

How Much Do You Want To Risk?

Malphas sat beside his lover by the lake. They were deep in conversation about how their respective realms would disapprove of their relationship. Angelica sighed, "No one would support us. I mean- we shouldn't even be doing any of this." Malphas frowned, "I don't care. I love you." Angelica sighed, "And I love you. But who is going to believe us, mon cher? A demon falling in love with an angel? Demons cannot love. Every being alive knows that." Malphas held her close, "But I love you." Angelica pulled away, "It isn't like there is anything we can do without one of us giving up our life." She looked at him, "I love you, Malphas. And I want to spend eternity with you. But I just- I can't leave home." Malphas glared, "No one up there cares about you, Angelica! You know that! They all treat you horribly because of your heritage! Something you have no control over!" He grabbed her hands in his. "Become a Fallen. Come with me." He knelt before her, "If you come with me, I can give you anything your heart desires. I will do everything in my power to make you happy. If you want to run off and have fun- then so be it!" He looked up at her hopefully, "Come with me. Become a Fallen- become a Fallen Angel for me my love, and I will make you my Lady Desideriis. I'll marry you. We can live together for eternity." He pulled her into his arms, gazing at her hopefully, "My love- please!" Angelica cupped his face, "Darling. I love you. But do you know what becoming a Fallen entails?" Malphas looked confused, Angelica sighed. "It's a painful process mon cher. Some have been known to die from it." Malphas looked alarmed. "Then just- just marry me as it is! You and I! I'll make you my wife you don't have to be a Fallen! If anyone dares challenge our union- I'll kill them myself!" Angelica looked alarmed, "No! No- I don't want to kill anyone!" Malphas snarled, "They'll all try to kill us! To them- we are unnatural! A romance of our caliber has never been seen! This is where our kind differ little from the human kind! They are afraid of what they do not understand! And when they don't understand something- they do all in their power to destroy it." His eyes were cold and Angelica sighed, "I'm sorry. I just... I'm afraid." She looked up at him. "Either way. If I went with you... Would I ever be safe on my own? And even if we ran away together, we cannot remain hidden for eternity. One day someone will find us." She caressed his face. "I cannot bare to see you hurt or even worse, killed." Malphas watched and she took a few steps away. "Where do you want to go?" Angelica sighed, "What?" Malphas put his hands on her shoulders. "How much do you want to risk to be with me?" Angelica smirked, seeing his little game, "I am not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts." Malphas chuckled, "Some superhero? Or some fairy tail bliss?" He pulled her into his arms and Angelica smiled, "Someone that I can talk to. Someone that I can miss." 

Malphas held her in his arms. "I can do that. I can do more. If you'd just let me..." Angelica sighed, "What would you propose we do?" Malphas smiled, "Run away with me. Let me take you out for a night. Stay with me. Let's go to a ball. You and I. I promise you, after tonight, I will have convinced you to run off with me." Angelica smiled, "Very well. I will go with you to this ball." 

Aurora Magne-Michaelis closed her eyes, thinking about that time. He had been so charming... She looked at him now, barking orders to the servants as they fled from the Scotland Yard. Such a take charge personality... It seemed he always knew what to do. Leadership was a fine quality her beloved possessed. She glanced at Ciel. The poor boy... His life was in shambles. The child was still in shock. A mute. Aurora feared he would remain this way forever. "Aurora." She noticed her mate speaking to her. "Oh. Hmm?" Sebastian looked at her sympathetically. "Are you alright?" Aurora stared at him for a moment. Taking in every aspect of him. He was perfect. He was slightly different than when she'd met him so many years ago. She found his growth in their time apart incredibly attractive. He hadn't used to have those perfect abs... Hadn't used to be a leader. Hadn't been confident in his emotions. Now, he seemed to be. She approached him wordlessly, reached a hand up to caress his face. His skin was rough. But at the same time smooth. He was perfect. Body, mind and soul. She pressed herself against him, needing to be close. He made no movements to stop her. His arms came around her, pulling her closer. Aurora wrapped her arms around his neck, gently tugging him down to her level so she could kiss him. As she kissed him, she felt everything. He was amazing. She regretted none of her decisions. She had little options back then. Though she supposed that she should have taken up his offer so long ago to become a Fallen. 

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