His Butler & Maid, Lying In Wait

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"There you are!" Ciel exclaimed, as Sebastian and Aurora entered his office. "How long does it take to find out if Blavat is doing anything?!" Sebastian smiled slyly, "You may rest easy my lord, it appears he has merely come to check out the competition." Aurora nodded, "Nothing out of the ordinary. Unless you count a certain angel crashing the party then by all means there a problem..." Her arms folded across her chest and she spoke in an annoyed tone. Sebastian shot her a look, "Aurora. Calm yourself. Raphael is-" Aurora snapped, "Still on the loose!" She sighed, "We are never going to have any peace with Raphael-" Sebastian grabbed her by the arm, "Pardon us my lord." He pulled her into the hallway and frowned. "What is this about?" He murmured, "You were perfectly fine a few minutes ago." Aurora sighed, "I'm sorry... Maybe it's the malaise, I just-" Sebastian cleared his throat, "Are you sure your not pregnant? Your having multiple mood swings." Aurora narrowed her eyes, "Excuse me?" Sebastian rubbed up and down her arms soothingly, "I'm sorry, darling. I'm just concerned." He looked her in the eye, "How does this sound? I will summon Stolas and Ilia and have them hunt for Raphael." Aurora sighed, "How is that going to help?" Sebastian smirked, "Believe it or not- my twin sister is one of the best. Second to me. She's bested Stolas in many fights. And you've seen my brother fight. He is nearly as good as I am." Aurora nodded slowly, "So your saying that using them Raphael should be caught....when?" Sebastian smirked, "Within a fortnight, I assure you, my angel." Aurora nodded. "I suppose..." Sebastian suddenly noticed her look a little faint and quickly moved to support her. "Are you alright? You look faint." Aurora nodded, "I just... My head kind of hurts." Sebastian picked her up bridal style, "Then let me help you to rest." Aurora looked up at him and smiled, "Malphas- I'm fine. Really. I just got a little dizzy." Her mate leaned down to her level, his breath caressing her face, "My darling mate, I will always go above and beyond to protect you and secure your safety." Aurora laughed as he opened the door to the office again and sat her on the chaise in the room. "Aurora?" Ciel asked, "What happened?" Aurora sighed, "Just your butler being over protective as usual." Sebastian made a face, "I am not over protective." Aurora hummed sarcastically, "I feel even the slightest bit dizzy and you freak out thinking I'm either dying or pregnant." Ciel looked surprised, "Are-" Aurora shook her head. "No. Of course not. If I'm honest- until Raphael is dealt with I think the idea of children is off the table. I couldn't bring a child into a world where they would be in danger." Ciel nodded slowly, "Understandable." He turned to Sebastian with a small smirk, "Come Sebastian. Let us go greet our competition." The demon smirked, "Certainly, my lord." Aurora looked over, "Sebastian- surely you wouldn't leave me here! I'm well enough to attend a party!" Sebastian frowned, "You said it yourself, my angel. You are ill." Aurora sighed, "I can walk perfectly fine, if I have any issues or feel the slightest bit faint I shall tell you." Sebastian walked over to her and knelt before her, taking her hand and rubbing his hand along the top of her hand. "Darling-" Aurora leaned over, "Please Sebastian? I promise I'll inform you if I'm not feeling well- honest!" Sebastian stared at her, searching her silver blue eyes for a few moments until he finally sighed. "Very well, my angel." He held out his hand in offering, "However you must let me know the moment you begin to feel unwell. Are we understood?" Aurora smiled and took his hand. "Of course." 

She was on Sebastian's arm as they walked down the stairs, standing off to the side quietly while Ciel conversed with Blavat who was quite cheeky with the boy. Aurora couldn't help but narrow her eyes menacingly at Sky. She didn't trust the man by a long shot. She didn't notice her nails beginning to dig into her mate's arm until he grunted in response to the pain and glanced over at her. Immediately she released him, only to have the demon wrap his arm around her waist. Blavat chuckled darkly, "I never thought a nobleman like you would resort to such means, Earl Phantomhive." Ciel glared. "I mean- even with your advanced facilities you simply cannot outshine the original." Ciel smirked and spoke in a dark voice, "Shall we leave that for the audience to decide?" Blavat chuckled, "I find it highly unlikely for you, Earl- whom has failed to win the heart of your own fiancé, to win the heart of the public." He turned, "I bid you farewell, Earl Phantomhive." Ciel was silent as Blavat left. Then he marched up the stairs to his office. Aurora and Sebastian shared a look before following. "Ciel-" Aurora started only to be cut off and yanked back by Sebastian as Ciel slammed his cane into a vase, sending fragments of expensive glass shards everywhere. Sebastian frowned, his face emotionless. "Your outburst is futile. And very uncharacteristic of you, my lord." Ciel snarled and marched off. Aurora sighed and went to follow. "Ciel, please-" Ciel slammed the door shut before she could follow him into the office. They heard the sound of the lock clicking into place and the sound of a small tear. Aurora hissed, glaring down at her torn dress. "Again?!" Sebastian walked over and joined her, bending down to examine the tear in her dress. "We can easily mend this." He said standing up, "Come along. We will go to the dressing rooms and I shall mend your gown." Aurora followed after him, remaining silent the entire time. 

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