The Lovers, Breathing

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She was surprised to hear birds.

So when she woke the next morning, able to open her eyes to stare at the piece of chipped paint on her ceiling, she could do nothing but stare for a moment longer, almost in disbelief that she was breathing.

The whinny and neigh of horses outside made her sit up and quickly stumble over to her window. The carriages were arriving, and some guests already had their luggage outside.

She fell back against the sheets with a soft sigh. Today was going to be the first of many more days without Sebastian. She gasped as pain bolted through her body, sending her lurching forward in bed.

Maybe it won't be as many days as I think...

Mey-Rin's rapt knock on the door made her sit back, "Yes?" Aurora whispered, wiping the remnants of last nights tears from her eyes as Mey-Rin opened the door to her room. "Apologies, Miss Aurora... But the young master wants to know what you'll be doing this morning."

Aurora swallowed heavily. "Tell him that I'll see him in the foyer in ten minutes."


In her hand was a suitcase. Filled with a few things from her closet. Her hair was haphazardly tied into a long curled mess, and sitting bulkily over her shoulders was a heavy trench coat- formerly Sebastian's, and in her pocket, clasped within her other hand, was his pocket watch.

Walking slowly to the main foyer, the only thing on her mind being- what now?

Her heart was in tatters, and soon enough she might very well join her lover in death. With each solemn fall of her heel, a new memory dashed across her brain, akin to that of a deer fleeting through a field of green grasses.

"Tell me... why do you stay?"

"Why wouldn't I?"


"You promised me sweets this time, mon amie!"

"Haha... As promised, my angel."


"Tell me one of your stories! Please?"

She paused, stifling her tears with a sleeved arm. On the fourth finger of her left hand, sat the red engagement ring. The stone glistened in the hallway light, more so when the occasional tear splashed upon it. The ring was all she had left of him, and she supposed she might as well deem the man hers.

She'd been his. It was only fair.

She smiled sadly, glancing once at the ring. They had always said eternity.

Eternity, and forevermore...

She scoffed at that now. Maybe forever... Maybe that was a word that was meant for nothing more than sweet memories. Lost to the living forever.

Lost to her forever.

The only one who had ever truly understood her enough to read her like a book was gone. And soon enough, she'd join him in death's cold embrace. Perhaps we'll keep each other warm in the world that lies beyond... Unless that world is nothingness...

She sighed, taking a breath and continuing to the foyer, a mournful aura shrouding her in a metaphorical darkness that threatened to bring forth a dark end.

Not that she cared anymore.

As far as she was concerned, that darkness could take her too.

So, nonchalantly, she carried on. Hoping death might act like a comforting embrace. Her heels clicked against the polished marble floors, and she found most of the guests already outside, aside from a remaining few. Amoung the ones lingering behind was Doctor Arthur. The man stood with his single pale suitcase, off to the side from the others, yet still in that 'inner circle' of sorts. He caught her gaze first, quick to profile her as the sympathetic young widow who'd lost everything.

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