The Lovers, In Darkness

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The only sound in the office was the loud drumming of Ciel's fingers on his desk. Aurora's human façade had all but begun to fade, leaving behind the sparkling silver eyes that were growing wide with worry. She could already feel the sickness churning in her stomach, nausea creeping up through her body like a disease. She glanced to her left where Sebastian was standing a foot or so beside her, stoic as always. He must have detected her eyes on him, because barely a moment later, his eyes flicked towards her, seeming to scan her for a moment before he let his hand reach out to hers, pinky finger outstretched slightly towards hers. Her hand quivered beside his, buzzing with anxiety at the glare the young earl was sending them.

We can't...

She would have given anything to do more than just lace her fingers together with his, but given the circumstances, with the glare Ciel was sending (particularly in her direction), it might be in her best interest to abstain. Sebastian didn't seem to care, prompting her again as he gently nudged her finger with a touch of his knuckle. Relenting, Aurora stretched her pinky, curling it around his with a short squeeze. She felt the demon hum in silent laughter at the action, and she shot him a short glare, though her eyes were anything but warning.

The drumming of Ciel's fingers stopped suddenly, and he moved his attention to a pen on his desk, squeezing it tightly enough that the pair of friends turned lovers could hear it beginning to give way under the weight of his hand.

"So... the two of you have been having a scandalous affair under my nose this entire time... is that right?"

Ciel's question was left unanswered.

Aurora's face was already paling, hands quickly becoming clammy, and the feeling of nausea in her gut only worsened. Affair . The word was sinful. Too often associated with sin at least. Granted, she supposed he was right. They'd spent a great deal of time together, some of it tangled within the confines of bedsheets, wrapped in each other's arms. By all means it classed as an affair. She swallowed. To make matters worse he'd had a mate at the time.

Before she could even utter a word, Sebastian answered for her.

"That is correct." Sebastian said, "We have been having what you would consider an affair for sometime. Though I was under the impression our personal business did not interfere with the contract."

Ciel scowled, "It would have interfered at some point."

She had kept her eyes on the boy, and it was something in the way his fist shook, matched with the glare he was giving them, that made the pieces fall into place.

"You knew."

The cerulean eye switched from her lover onto her. "You knew," she repeated. "You had to know something. Otherwise you wouldn't have left me in the dark. You knew there was something going on between us, and most of all- you had to know that I wouldn't be able to silence myself if I truly believed that he was dead." Every part of her body was on fire as she waited for him to answer. She could feel all eyes in the room on her. Ciel glaring at her, and Sebastian glancing at her before fixing his gaze back on his master. "My lord?"

Ciel's lip quirked up in a slight smirk. "I had an idea," he confessed quietly. "You just made it easier for me to have leverage over you."

There it was. He knew.

The admission sent the bile in her stomach up. Her hand came to her mouth and she bit down on her forefinger with a low groan, trying to swallow it down. The young earl rolled his eyes at the sight of her, then slowly gestured with a wave of his hand to the window, muttering as she hastily stumbled to the windowsill. "There. Just don't make a mess of my office."

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