His Butler & Maid, Remodelling & Instructing

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Aurora had made a pattern on retiring to bed early, avoiding speaking to Sebastian as much as possible. When she went to sleep, she slept alone. When she woke in the morning, she woke alone. She wasn't sure if Sebastian had ever come to bed, and frankly, she wasn't sure whether or not she should care. She'd opted to take Agni's advice and allow Sebastian some much needed space. It'd been four or five days since Sebastian snapped at her, and she was trying hard to keep her emotions in check. In the mornings, she would slip up onto the roof to watch the sun rise. She took notice of Sebastian watching her, but remained silent, not informing him she knew of his presence. Agni kept her occupied, allowing her to help him more around the kitchen. He reminded her of an older brother, like how Lucian was often to her growing up in the Silver City. 

The fifth day, Aurora was on the roof, watching the sun rise. The light reflected in her silver blue eyes, and she spread her wings, suddenly finding herself missing the white gold highlights in the feathers. She could recall the way the white gold feathers would act almost like a mirror on her wings, making her almost invisible to the human eye. She stretched her wings a bit before letting them rest on the roof behind her, almost like a cloak of sorts. She watched her legs dangling off the roof as she sat on the edge, feeling the breeze blow by her and send chills down her spine. At her shiver, she jumped a little as a black tailcoat was draped over her shoulders. She looked up to see Sebastian standing nearby. There was a forlorn look on his face and his red eyes appeared to be dull. Aurora sighed and turned her gaze away from him, unsure if she should say anything. Sebastian cleared his throat, "We need to talk." Aurora nodded slowly. Sebastian took a seat next to her. 


 "I'm sorry." Aurora murmured quietly. Sebastian looked a little surprised, having not heard her speak to him for days on end. She sighed, "I know I've been annoying, well- beyond annoying, but I just can't stop worrying." She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the image of her mate's dying body from her mind. "And considering with all I've been through- in this year alone..." She looked over at him finally, "I don't even know what's happened with me myself. I- I'm not the same angel you met by the lake all those years ago, and I just- I can't- I don't-" She stammered over her words, not knowing at all what to say before she fell silent, unable to provide the demon beside her an answer. "I don't blame you if you want me to go away." She said at last, softly. There was silence, then she heard the sound of feathers and felt a wing pull her close. She opened her eyes and looked up, Sebastian had his wings unsheathed and wrapped around her comfortingly. His arm came to pull her closer to his body and he rested his chin atop her head, holding her as close as he possibly could. "Angelica, how could I ever want you gone?" He kissed the top of her head, and one of his midnight black feathers came to wipe away a tear from her eyes. "You are my angel, regardless of what happens." He tilted her chin up, "I will forgive you always. I will protect you always, whether you are helpless or not." He held her tightly. "Besides, it is my own fault you are like this. I was absent during your fall, and the price paid is on your psyche. If anything my beloved angel, it is I who should be asking you for forgiveness." 

He pulled her into his lap and held her close, burying his face in the crook of her neck, his breath hot on her skin, like the hottest fires of hell. "Malphas, you don't need to apologize for anything." Her voice was soft and sweet as she took his face in her hands. Her demon shook his head, "But I do, my darling. I've hurt you so horribly by playing this child's foolish game. And because of it you paid the price. You went through days of pain of all sorts- worse than even the Lilum provides the sinners below." His fingers dug into her, almost painful, but holding her as though he were afraid she would disappear if he did not hold her. "Had I been there for you when you fell your Fall would not have been so painful. And I will spend eternity regretting that. Forgive me, my angel. I would never mean to intentionally cause you harm." Aurora sighed holding him gently in her arms, "Oh my sweet, sweet Malphas. I forgave you for that the moment I discovered you were alright." She kissed him deeply, the kiss lasting for what felt like an eternity, before drawing away, hands intertwined before they both disappeared inside.

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