His Butler & Maid, Encouraging

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Ciel suddenly kicked out his foot onto the demon's shoulder, surprising said demon. "You. You were about to devour me in all deadly earnest just now." Sebastian gave him a shit eating smile and chuckled, "Not at all! I was only perhaps ninety percent earnest." Ciel snapped, "I'd call that a fairly done deal, wouldn't you?" Sebastian smirked, "Mister Tanaka had asked that I hold off on taking such drastic measures, so I was merely watching and waiting, but since you continued to throw temper tantrums befitting a mewling infant, and causing my mate such stress over your condition, I could not help myself." Aurora snickered and raised an eyebrow, silver blue eyes glimmering with amusement, "That is a horrid excuse Sebastian. What kind of servant attempts to eat his master with an excuse of, 'I could not help myself'?" He roughly kicked Sebastian back and scoffed, "Bloody demon." Sebastian chuckled at that and put his hand over his heart, "Indeed. I am simply, one hell of a butler."

Not long later, Aurora had briefly returned to her and Sebastian's room to change into something that wasn't full of sweat after worrying over Ciel, and had thrown on a pretty gown that Sieglinde had given her the previous night. She returned and was humming softly as she

(Left side dress only)

 was brushing Ciel's hair later on and asked, "Ciel? Might I ask what caused you to behave in that manner?" Ciel gulped, "Well

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was brushing Ciel's hair later on and asked, "Ciel? Might I ask what caused you to behave in that manner?" Ciel gulped, "Well..." Ciel fell silent and Aurora kissed the top of his head and held him close, "It's alright, you needn't say anything right now. We can always discuss it later." Ciel nodded and curled into her embrace. The boy then glanced up at Sebastian, the demon was off to the side, watching them. "I'd like to address the staff. Send for them." Sebastian nodded, "Yes, sir." Sebastian moved to the door while Aurora was seated on the bed cradling Ciel. There was a sudden loud yelp as the Phantomhive servants all tumbled into the room. Sebastian spoke in a condescending tone, "Dear me, servants eavesdropping? What is the meaning of this?"

"No, we couldn't hear a thing! Wait- that's not it. Finny told us you were actin' all weird, soo!"

What a hot head! Says Bronte."

Mister Sebastian, I can't stand it if you're going to be cross with us! I just can't!"

Finny was crying out, "Ow! Ow! Ow! The cuts on my back!"

Ciel sighed from his place on the bed, "You really are a boisterous lot aren't you?" Finny jumped up, "You're all back to normal, young master!!" He shot towards Ciel with his arms outstretched, only to be intercepted by Sebastian grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "Yes, yes. Stop right there. Do you intend to send Ciel straight back to bed when he has finally pulled round?" Finny began to apologize when Ciel smiled and scooted to the edge of the bed. "Finny," he held out his hand, "Sorry you got stuck taking care of me. I'm fine now." Finny knelt before him and held his hand. "R...Right! Right!" Ciel looked up, "The rest of you come over here too. There's something I must say to you all." He inhaled before speaking, Aurora sat beside him, rubbing his back reassuringly.

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