His Butler, Annoyed & His Maid, Mended

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*Smut Warning*

After departing hell and returning to the Phantomhive Manor, Sebastian and Aurora were in the office, Aurora watching as the butler finished up the last bit of work before turning in for the night. When he finished the paperwork, he made to get up but was stopped by Aurora. "Something wrong, my darling?" He asked, Aurora smiled and gently pushed him back down into his seat before sitting in his lap. Sebastian smirked at this and wrapped his arm firmly around her waist, "Did you need something my love?" He said softly. Aurora said nothing, just smiled and kissed him. When she pulled away, he pulled her back again into a heated kiss. Aurora sighed into his kiss and gripped his tailcoat in her hands tightly. "Sebastian..." She breathed, "We're alone. No ones here." A wicked smirk crossed the demon's face, and he picked her up bridal style, "Are you suggesting that I am allowed physical activities?" He said with a seductive smile, Aurora smiled, "Perhaps. As long as it doesn't become too physically demanding for you." Sebastian grinned, "Oh I can think of a few things that we could try..."

A couple of minutes later, Sebastian had her pinned underneath him in the garden. "What if Ciel gets back? Or the others?" Aurora breathed as Sebastian quickly pushed her down and his mouth was on her neck. "We'll hear them and move." He said, before resuming to remove their clothes. Aurora gasped when her bare skin was exposed to the cool night air. The coldness disappeared as soon as Sebastian covered her body with his own, slipping inside her easily and then carrying on a steady rhythm of in and out. Aurora squeaked at some sudden movement he made, his mouth dropping down to meet hers, in a rough and passionate kiss. The angel moaned as he shifted their position, so he could go deeper. She reached up and grabbed him roughly, pulling him down to her, any sound she made muffled by his mouth and tongue that invaded her mouth. "Sebast-" She gasped out his name when he separated his mouth from hers and cut herself off with another gasp as he delivered a harsh thrust. She laid back against the grass, her mind becoming a haze as the demon's hips thrust into hers. When they both finished, he picked her up and Aurora didn't register the movement as they suddenly dropped down onto their bed. Sebastian pinned her, and nuzzled his face upon her collarbone and glanced up at her teasingly, "Tired, my darling?" Aurora sighed and laid back against the pillows, "I think I'm seeing stars..." She murmured. Sebastian chuckled and sat up a bit, leaning forward a bit to kiss her. "Was I too rough?" Aurora groaned and pulled him back down, "Oh no, of course not... If you wanted to keep going I wouldn't object." Sebastian smirked, "Are you saying you want me to continue until you fall asleep angel? My, becoming a Fallen's definitely changed you a bit." Aurora smirked and gently slapped his arm, "Shut up. More doing and less talking." The demon licked his lips, "As my lady wishes."

When Aurora came to the next morning, Sebastian was half on top of her and half next to her, her left leg was wrapped around his waist, and she could still feel him inside of her. Smirking, she rolled on top of him and laid there for a few minutes. The demon in question had drifted off to sleep, and she smirked having an idea. She gently shifted her hips, feeling his body react to her movements almost immediately. She heard him groan in his sleep and giggled, she kept going until he was shifting a bit, not quite awake, but not quite asleep. Aurora leaned down and gently pressed her mouth to his, and slipped her tongue into his mouth. He stirred then, and she yelped when his demonic fangs came down onto the tip of her tongue. Sebastian's eyes opened immediately at the sound of her yelp and he blinked, confused as to what had happened. Aurora pouted and stuck her bleeding tongue out. "You bit me." Sebastian sighed and pulled her back down to him, his own tongue snaking out to swipe the blood off of hers with a low groan of delight at the taste of her blood. "We should establish some rules." He muttered, stroking her blonde hair. "Rules?" Aurora repeated, Sebastian nodded, "Yes. Rule one being don't give the demon tongue before he's awake, because his body will react before his mind can." Aurora nodded and nuzzled his face, "Fair, anything else?" Sebastian smirked, then suddenly flipped them over, pinning the angel underneath him drawing a small yelp from her. "Rule two," he said seductively, "Let me wake you up with pleasure." Aurora laughed, "That doesn't sound fair to you, Sebastian. Are you sure you don't want me to do anything for you?" The demon leaned down and smiled, "We can see about that later. But for now, let me be in charge darling." Aurora sighed, "I won't complain to that..."

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