His Butler & Maid, Liaisons

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Aurora found herself shoved behind Sebastian a moment before the demon and reaper sprung into battle. She bit back a scream as the scythe came her way, and she squeezed her eyes shut before the seemingly inevitable blow never came. She opened her eyes to find Sebastian standing in front of her, his white gloved hand bloody from the scythe.

"Malphas-" She whispered, "you're hurt..." 

He ignored her, glaring at the reaper. "Hurt her, and you'll pay with your life." The demon warned. William scowled. Aurora sighed, touching the demon's arm. "You go to the Heraldic Registry, I'll manage here."

Sebastian hummed, "Are you sure?" Aurora kissed his cheek. "Of course. You go on ahead." The demon released the scythe, letting it fall before rushing off. Will went to stop him, only to hear the unsheathing of Aurora's rapier. 

"You're not stopping him."

William glared at her, "You can't truly be taking his side. He's a demon."

Aurora matched his glare. "My demon."

William raised a brow, "Are you sure about that?" He asked, "I've heard otherwise from the other circus members." Aurora snapped, "He would never do such a thing! How dare you suggest otherwise!"

The two met in a long glare before William sighed, relaxing his weapon. "It's of no use. You'll find out sooner or later." He pushed his spectacles up on the bridge of his nose. "In the meantime, I must begin work." He sighed, "I so loathe overtime..."

Aurora watched him walk away, an aggravated sigh leaving her as he vanished into the woods. "Honestly... I don't know why I tolerate that reaper sometimes..." She kicked her boot through the dirt, "And he had the nerve to suggest Malphas would ever be unfaithful. How dare he." Her hand crept up around her neck, toying with her father's signet ring.

"I can handle myself. If only you could have understood that..." 

She walked back to the tent, humming as she prepared to leave the circus. A silver, black and blue gown adorned her figure,  the sleeves a bit loose despite clinging to her almost like that of a second skin.

Her skirt was a light blue with a silver touch- laced with a small rosette designs near the hem, the sleeves were a soft silver, and the corset black with intricately designed leaves. She yawned, slipping on a pair of black boots. "Hmm, it's only a matter of time before we go back to the manor. Then a nice new bed... Beside Sebastian..."

She smiled, pulling her coat over her shoulders. Things would be close to perfect soon enough. 

She pulled Sebastian's trench coat over her arm, folding it neatly and humming to herself. She stepped out of the tent, walking down the main aisle of the circus before she stopped. 

"...Wouldn't it be nice to forget everything?

...indulge in pleasure..."

Aurora frowned, ears overhearing the soft seductive purr nearby. Strange... That sounded an awful lot like Sebastian...

A pit formed in her stomach, and she hesitated to turn the corner. 

"Breathe a sweet poison into your lungs..."

Aurora bit her tongue. She felt sick as she glanced around the corner of the tent. Beast was in his arms, crying, and he was there... consoling her with sweet words. She said something, and then lead him back to her tent.

Lowering her aura, she followed close behind, watching with a breaking heart as they undressed. 

Why would he do this to her?

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