His Butler & Maid, A Lovely Night & The Soiree

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Aurora's eyes wandered around the jewelry store, falling on a diamond necklace on display. She glanced over her shoulder at Sebastian, still at the front counter, waiting for the young lord's rings. She let her eyes fall back onto the display, biting back the sigh. 

It's so beautiful...

It was a deep blue diamond necklace, something that looked like it had such great value, but most importantly it reminded her of the lake, how it used to sparkle. 

Oh, what a gorgeous colour.

She pulled away from it, joining the demon at the counter. Sebastian looked down at her, "Find anything you like?" He asked. She sighed, "That necklace on the display is lovely, but I wouldn't have anywhere to wear it." 

The jeweller came out from the back and set the rings before them. "Will that be all?" He asked. Sebastian's mouth opened ajar very briefly, but he shut it only to pause and smile, 

"Yes. Thank you." 

He turned on his heel and began outside, stopping only to hold the door for the blonde. Aurora ducked under his arm and took the rings from him, observing how the indigo ring seemed to shine. "He is a skilled jeweller," she said, climbing into the carriage with the demon, "I'd certainly like to go back on a day off if I have one."

Sebastian sighed, "Unfortunately, we don't often get those." 

Aurora sat back, setting the rings on the seat next to her with a small yawn.

"Where else do we have to go?" 

Sebastian hummed, "We are skipping the florist altogether. I think we can make better arrangements with what we have in the green house, and I had Tanaka send word to the young lord, and he's agreed. Now we just need to pickup the champagne."

Aurora smiled, propping her elbow on the window of the carriage. "So, dinner then?" 

Sebastian hummed, smirk on his face as he sat back. "Are you always this hungry?" 

She shrugged, "I've been a little hungry lately. Probably because I'm Fallen now."

The demon's face fell at the mention of her situation.

A half smile came over the blonde's lips, and sympathy etched across her face. "It's okay." She whispered, "You didn't mean to. I don't blame you for it." 

A quiet silence fell throughout the carriage, the only sound from the outside, the occasional whinny of the horses, and the mindless chatter of the passing nobles.

"I never intended for anything to happen to you." He murmured at last, "You are... by far, the most important person in my life, and the knowledge I caused you such pain and grief..." He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. 

Aurora's eyes roamed over him, eventually settling on the dark eyes she had long ago seen as kind. "It hurts you." She said surprised. "Seeing me in pain, it hurts you." It was shocking that he felt such remorse, there was a deep pain hidden within his eyes, a pain that she was the only one not blind to.

She sighed, hand against the plush seat of the carriage while the other rested on the opposite side as she moved to sit beside him. Her eyes rested upon his now hunched over form, his head hung low, cradled in his hands, forehead pressing to his fingers as if relieving some form of tension.

Aurora scooted a little more closer, her knee just touching his, and her heeled right boot touching his left shoe. She looked at him, as if asking for permission to be near, and upon receiving no indication, she slowly reached over to wrap her arm around him. 

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