White Maid, Imprisoned Butler

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A week had passed since the incident with Angela, and Aurora could safely roam Phantomhive Manor for the most part- she still worried when Lilli visited Sebastian to attempt to pry him back to the underworld. However, she'd seen Sebastian refuse each time and it seemed he was growing rather annoyed with the demoness. Aurora would try and lighten his dampened mood when she saw him come back inside after meeting his mate in the garden, and they'd have a good laugh about Lilli's antics before she left to go to bed. 

However as soon as the angel left, Sebastian's smile would fall, vermillion gaze turning back towards the garden. He was growing to hate Lilli's nightly visits. It was the past three evenings Sebastian had ignored his demoness for the most part and gone about his duties or caught up on sleep. Lilli was certainly furious, and Sebastian doubted she went back to hell like he had ordered her to.

One morning at sunrise, Aurora left her bedroom and climbed onto the roof, checking no one could see her before she unsheathed her white gold wings. The morning sun on her coloured feathers felt wonderful. 

"Come up to see the sunrise again, angel?" 

Aurora smiled and glanced back to see Sebastian stepping out from behind a chimney. Aurora smirked, "Aren't you supposed to be tending to the young master?" 

The demon smiled, "I can spare a few minutes. No more late night meetings with a certain demoness gives me plenty of spare time." Aurora hummed, "I don't think your mate would be too pleased to know your skipping out on her." Sebastian scoffed walking over to sit beside her, "Honestly, I'm not sure I favor the demoness anymore." Aurora's eyes widened, "Oh?" She said, "What makes you say that? I thought demons had one lifelong mate that they were supposed to be forever happy with?" 

Sebastian let out a rich laugh, "Happy with? Goodness no, more like bound by an unbreakable bond. Mates have always been for the purpose of breeding, the powerful with the powerful, keeping the gene pool strong." Aurora's eyes widened in surprise. 

 "But I always read in the books that-"

 "Does this really matter to you, my lady?" 

Aurora nodded, "I'm curious, Sebastian- my father never let me out past The Silver City Gates- and I only ever was in the Reaper Library as a child." The demon snorted, "Surely you must have had some rebellious phase." Aurora bit her lip. "Not really... I mean- I don't remember much.." Sebastian's eyes widened a bit, "Oh? How do you mean? You do not... remember much?"

 Aurora sighed, "I don't remember much of anything. My childhood... So many things seem familiar, but I guess amnesia is what happens when you fall from the skies with no help of flight." 

Things were quiet between them for a minute. Aurora looked at him, "Have you ever heard of such a thing? An immortal losing their memories?" Sebastian frowned, "I cannot say that I have." He sighed, "Granted my knowledge of angels is rather limited." His eyes seemed to flash then, and he stood. "Forgive me, we will need to continue this conversation at a later date, the young lord is summoning me." Aurora sighed, "That's alright." She glanced over her shoulder at him and smiled, 

"I'll join you in a a few minutes. I just want to watch the rest of the sun rise." 

A few hours passed and Aurora had her hair pinned back neatly and was overseeing Ciel's lessons alongside Sebastian. The thirteen year old Earl was busy at his desk, doing his assigned work. A knock at the door made the angel and butler turn, Mey Rin stood in the doorway, "Pardon me, Mr. Sebastian, Ms. Aurora- the queen's butler is here." 

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