His Butler & Maid, Taking Flight

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"We should search the first stringers tents, working our way up to first tier status will take too long. We should investigate during the show when they're away from the tents." Ciel was saying as Aurora checked him over. Aurora hummed, spectacles pushed up on her brow as she checked his eyes. "By we and our, you mean Sebastian and I, I hope. Because you are in no condition to be wandering about, Ciel."

Sebastian frowned, "How do you mean?" He looked at his master up and down. "He is injured?" 

Aurora sighed, sitting back on the stool, and rubbing her temples. "I mean I think he has a cold. And weakened immune system as it is. I don't want it to morph into pneumonia, so I am highly recommending that you rest." 

She stood, handing Sebastian back the spectacles. "And it is less of a suggestion, Ciel. It's doctor's orders." She hummed to herself, "Besides, a bit of rest might do you some good!"

She looked back at him, "So please, do take things easy." 

Ciel coughed, "Fine... I'll go lay down until the show starts." Aurora hummed, "Do you need one of us to tuck you in?" Ciel snapped, "I can do well without that, thank you!" 

Sebastian chuckled to himself as the boy left. "Ah...Finally." He smirked at the angel deviously, eyes aglow with hellfire. "I finally have you all to myself." Aurora hummed, "If we were not down the young lord, absolutely. But you know we actually have to do something." She kissed him on the cheek, "I think I'll go see if I can offer any assistance in the infirmary, so lest you feel like wounding yourself, you should do some of your own investigations, yes?"

Sebastian caught her waist, "You mean to say you will leave me by my lonesome, my dear?" Aurora hummed in confirmation, smiling as his fingers danced up her bodice. "Yes. Now please, let's do some work." She looked back at him with a small smile, "Don't worry, we still have the rest of the night."

He laughed, "Of course! We shall spend it in one another's arms! I can hardly wait!" Aurora rushed back over to kiss him. "Mmm. I love you." She was gone before he could utter a response, blushing as she left their tent, and small girlish giggles escaping her.

As she walked into the infirmary, she spotted the doctor arguing with the girl who had flirted with Sebastian the day they arrived. Aurora bit back the small scowl and smiled upon entry. "Hi Doc! I was wondering if you needed any help?"

The doctor turned to her curiously, "Oh? You have medical experience?" Aurora smiled, "Some. I was a valuable asset at my last place of employment. I often tended my master's medical ailments."

The doctor nodded, "I suppose you could help Abby here, I do have another engagement I need to attend." He wheeled himself out of the tent and Aurora walked over, "What is it can I help you with?" She asked. 

Abby glared, "I don't want your help." 

Aurora hummed, "I am afraid I am the only one you can do anything for you at the moment. So what is it that is bothering you?"

Abby scoffed, "You're a woman. You're not even qualified to be a doctor." She huffed, "And not to mention you can't even satisfy that man of yours." Aurora's brow twitched. 

"Watch. Your. Tongue."

Abby sneered, "Haven't you seen 'im hangin' around the other girls? He's gotta eye on Beast! Saw him training earlier, she snapped at him and he was so damn tender." 

She snickered then, eyes roaming up and down the blonde before her. "Can see why. You don't offer him much. Beast's got a bosom- you barely got anythin' to be considered decent." Aurora bit her tongue, her fists shaking as Abby continued, 

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