His Butler & Maid, Tidying Up & In Disguise

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Aurora snickered at her husband, "Oh you look so very hot in that uniform, Mister Michaelis." Sebastian smirked, "I'll be sure to wear it more often, Mrs. Michaelis." Aurora walked over and pecked him on the cheek. "I'm going to miss not being by your side at all hours of the day," she sighed. Sebastian pulled an arm around her waist, "Sneak into my quarters at night and we'll have our time." Aurora smiled, "I look forward to our nights together then." Sebastian's arm pulled away from her waist and he kissed her once more before stepping away, "Remember, stay in the shadows, out of sight. And be careful." Aurora cast him a sweet smile, "But of course, what kind of mate would I be if I couldn't promise my safety?"

A snow white cat with blue eyes sat curled up on one of the beds in the dormitory, watching while the demon butler- no turned house master, grumbled quietly to himself as he cleaned Ciel's bunk. The cat purred in amusement and flicked her snow colored tail, amused by the demon's annoyance. The house master's eyes shot up to meet hers. "Don't even start. I'm not happy." The cat's eyes glittered with amusement and she climbed to her paws, leaping over one of the beds to move to the house master's side, silver blue eyes sparkling as she leaned down as he messed about under the bed. "Meow?" Mister Michaelis huffed, "Not that I don't appreciate you keeping me company during the time, Angelica, but I do need to work." The white cat sat on the bed with a small huff. "Meow!" Michaelis sighed and knelt before the cat, noticing the silver blue eyes that glared back at him. "Angelica, please. I don't have time-" The cat narrowed her eyes and hissed. He stood and picked her up, "I will keep the the window to my office open, hide in the closet or under the desk. Understand?" The cat meowed. "Good!" The house master set her down gently and scratched the top of her head, "Now, be a good girl and go find out information on Derrick Arden." The cat meowed again and trotted to the nearest window, hopping out and padding along the roof. Her eyes flicked down, pausing when she noticed Ciel surrounded by four upperclassmen. She carefully followed them to one of the buildings. She cursed to herself. Perfect, how am I supposed to keep an eye on him if he's going into a building? Angelica crept along the window sill, and her eyes watched through the glass as Ciel appeared to have a conversation with the vice headmaster and the same four upperclassmen. Eventually, he left and carried onto his classes. Angelica wander about the campus, eyes keeping a sharp lookout for Derrick Arden. As night fell, she made her way back to Sebastian's office, only to find the window more closed. Her eyes narrowed and she clambered onto the nearby window ledge. Putting her front two paws up onto the ledge and sinking her claws into the stone, she pulled herself up and glared inside. Sebastian wasn't there. She hissed in annoyance and wandered over to the other window where the dormitories were. Coming to where Ciel's was, she scratched her nails down the window and meowed. No one moved. She growled. "Meow!" Still nothing. Angelica sighed and walked over to a stable of sorts and curled up amongst the barn animals. He's going to get it, she promised herself, wrapping her tail around her body. I'm freezing out in the barn while he's all snug in a nice warm bed!  The door to one of the barn stalls opened then, and her head jerked up, Sebastian stood there glaring down at her. "You didn't come to my office." Angelica hissed at him. I did so come to your office! You weren't there! She glared, knowing through their mating bond he could easily understand her thoughts. Sebastian sighed and knelt down, holding out his hands. "Come here." Angelica swiped her claws at him. Not until you apologize for leaving me outside. Sebastian sighed, "I'll make it up to you tonight, how's that?" Angelica let out a mrrow of laughter. Like I'm going to let you touch me after you forgot to leave the window open. And then kept all the windows shut. Sebastian frowned, "What are you on about? I made sure there were windows open. The only windows that were shut were in the library." Angelica huffed. I went to each window myself, Sebastian. They were all shut. I tried to get Ciel's attention but he was already asleep. Sebastian frowned, "I'm sorry you were stuck outside, now won't you please allow me to bring you inside where we can curl up in bed?" Angelica padded over into his arms and allowed him to pick her up, tuck her underneath his rob and walk into the blue house. When they got to his quarters, she leapt out of his robe and onto the bed before she shifted back into her human form. "Your not getting any tonight." She said coldly, moving to bury herself under the covers of his bed. "You made me sleep in a barn." Sebastian sat in the chair across from the bed, "The windows were open. I don't know who could have closed them." His mate scoffed, "Make sure their open tomorrow! I don't want to be stuck with a bunch of animals!" Sebastian sighed and leaned over, his face next to hers. "I'm sorry." She rolled her eyes at the apology and rolled over, "Whatever. I'm going to sleep." Sebastian stared, "Your going to skip out on spending time with me? Are you feeling alright?" Angelica snapped, "Perfectly fine, thank you! Now goodnight!" 

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