His Butler & Maid, Inspecting & Bedeviled

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Aurora had a hand to her face, gently rubbing the red handprint that Soma had left there. Sebastian left Agni's body and walked over to her, putting his own hand up to run calloused fingers over the reddened flesh. "Are you alright?" He asked, Aurora nodded, "Yes. I'm fine." She thought for a moment then looked back at Agni's corpse. "Grelle was right," she said quietly, "We will be meeting again soon."  

Grelle Sutcliffe was sitting on the roof of the town house reviewing the cinematic record of one Arshad Satyendra Iyer, or as he had been better known in life, Agni. The reaper smiled as they reviewed the record. "I did say we would be meeting again soon, didn't I?" 

Inside the town house, Sebastian had rendered Soma unconscious, with Aurora using her angelic powers to allow the poor young man to rest peacefully. Ciel was trying hard not to cry and break down. Aurora walked over and gently pulled the boy into her embrace, stroking his hair as he hugged her tightly. "This is why I- I told them to stay out... of my business!!" Aurora shushed him gently, "It is alright to cry, Ciel. You have every right to be upset." Ciel was trying to compose himself and the angel knelt down before him, "Ciel, don't fight it. A good cry never hurt anyone. It is just you, me, and Sebastian here. Please, allow yourself some form of relief." Ciel opened his mouth to answer when Sebastian cut in, "Agni's body is still warm, the killer could still be here. We should perform another sweep of the house. A through  one." Aurora nodded, "I suppose you are right. Another sweep couldn't hurt." She unsheathed her rapier and held it tightly in her hand. Ciel composed himself and nodded, "Yes. Let us sweep the house once more." Sebastian hummed quietly, "Something unexpected must have happened, Agni alone would have been able to take on five or ten humans on average. And even that would not be enough to kill him." Aurora nodded, "Agni must have been topping up the coal in the hearth." They rounded a corner and heard a small scratching sound. Aurora jumped a bit. Ciel lead the way into his bed room and Aurora gasped in horror at the sight. "What in god's name is that?!" Scrawled on the wall, in what looked like blood, was the words-

Who stole the candy from my tummy?

In all caps. Aurora was staring in shock, but then noticed the look on Ciel's face. She could sense his agitation and fear. Aurora opened her mouth to ask him what was wrong, but Ciel spoke before she could. "Aurora, this is an order. Tend to Prince Soma's injuries at once." Aurora's eyes flashed silver white briefly, "Yes, my lord." She turned on her heel and started back towards where prince Soma lay. She heard Ciel's voice from behind her, "Sebastian, go help her." The butler bowed, and gave his usual, "yes, my lord." Before moving to accompany his mate. "He did all he could to ensure his master's safety..." He murmured to her, "Prince Soma's safety was his first priority." Aurora noticed he looked a little sad and turned to face him with worried, silver blue eyes. "Malphas?" The demon took her hand in his and they paused in the hall way. "He was indeed..." his voice seemed to waver almost, "the very epitome of a butler."

 Together, Sebastian and Aurora lifted Soma up, "We'll bring him to Sullivan's." Ciel said, "She can tend to Prince Soma's injuries." Aurora looked surprised, "I thought you wanted Sebastian and I-" Ciel cut her off, "Are you questioning my orders, Aurora?" Aurora fell silent at once. Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the boy, not liking the way he had snapped at the angel. Sebastian picked Soma up, and in the boy's grasp, a small sheet of paper- a photograph, fell to the floor, coated in blood. Aurora went to pick it up, but Ciel snatched it first. "Sebastian." All eyes were on the demon.

"You wouldn't lie to me... would you?"

Sebastian frowned, "No sir." Aurora watched the interaction with some curiosity brewing within her. She knew not of what they were speaking of, but she could only assume it had something to do with the picture that Ciel was so protective of. Aurora looked up as Sebastian spoke, "Regrettably," Aurora's eyes widened at the solemn look on her mate's face. 

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