Promoted Maid, Terrorist Butler

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A few days had passed, and Aurora sat on the edge of Sebastian's bed with Noire in her lap, watching the demon pack for his next mission with the young master. It was rather simple in her opinion, a train ride to oversee the rescue and capture of a kidnapped noble and his captor. 

"Are you sure I can't join you?" Aurora asked. "It can't be too straining." 

Sebastian sighed, "Aurora- it is going to be dangerous. And I what kind of butler would I be if I allowed a lady to be harmed?" The angel huffed, "I'm a maid, Sebastian. Not a noblewoman. And I'm just as capable of fighting as you." 

The butler sighed, shutting his suitcase and walking out of the room. Aurora followed right after. "Not to mention I'm fine! It was just a little burn! I'm perfectly fine!"

She followed him out of the room, and to the carriage outside continuing to rant. "Besides, all you're doing is overseeing this! It's not as if it's going to be violent!"

"I said no, Aurora." Sebastian said, shooting a glare at her. "You are still recovering, and if there is even the slightest chance that be hurt, I don't want to take that risk." Aurora narrowed her eyes, "Sebastian Michaelis I am going with you. And if you think you can-"

"Aurora, this is an order, you are to remain here at the manor until Sebastian and I return."

Both angel and demon turned to look at the young earl who was seated in the carriage, glaring down at them. Aurora gaped, "Young master you can't possibly-" 

Ciel glared, "Are you disobeying my orders?" Aurora closed her mouth, a defeated look crossing her face. "Of course not, my lord." 

Ciel nodded and looked at Sebastian. "Sebastian? Are we ready to go?" The butler gave him a shit eating smirk, "Of course, young master." Ciel scoffed, "Then let's go." Sebastian bowed to him before turning to Aurora. "Please take the time you have here to rest and recuperate, Aurora." 

The angel nodded and embraced him tightly, "Please be careful," She whispered, "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to either of you." Sebastian smiled, "I assure you both the young master and I will be perfectly fine. We'll be back before you know it." 

"Oi! Let's go already!" Ciel demanded. Sebastian stepped away from the blonde, still holding her hand. "While we are gone Aurora," he reached onto his lapel and removed his pin, handing it over to her, "You are in charge." 

Aurora stared, glancing between the boy and his butler. "I'm in charge?" She repeated. Ciel nodded, "Certainly. You're capable. Think of it as a promotion Aurora. Instead of a maid, your the new housekeeper." 

He narrowed his eyes, "You can handle the task, can you not?" Aurora stood a bit taller and snatched the pin from Sebastian. "Of course I can." She smirked, fastening the pin onto her breast, "Besides, I'll even do a better job than Sebastian."

The butler chuckled, "Oh will you now?" Aurora hummed, "Of course. I've always been much more organized than you." 

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