His Butler & Maid, The Black Plague / The Tower

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Malphas fell more for the angel every day. He had spent a week on earth, and each day was spent with her by his side. He would walk through Hell with a smile on his face before Stolas or Ilia would quickly knock him back into reality. His sister had grown to tease him over his romance, and he indulged her every question.

"So, what does it feel like? Love, I mean." Ilia had asked one day. Malphas thought for a moment, "It is... difficult to describe, but when you feel it, you know what it is. And it overwhelms you with the strangest feelings."

He sighed leaning back on his bed. "I don't understand it... Yet I do. It's beyond strange. I've never experienced this feeling before." He looked to his twin, "I believe I have fallen so hopelessly in love with an angel, Vulpes Ilia."

Malphas journeyed constantly to the human world to see his beloved. But then came the fateful day he required a soul. And the angel wished to kiss him. Out of fear, he had pushed her violently away, worried he might harm her. His angel had looked so hurt. So he hung his head in shame.

"I'm sorry." He murmured, "No matter how much I want to be near you right now, I can't." Angelica looked heartbroken, tears beginning to run down her cheeks. "What do you mean?!" Malphas looked at her sadly, "I have not been able to get a proper soul. I'm starving, Angelica- and the soul of an angel is beyond enticing. The soul of an Arch even more so. I fear that if I kiss you I will unconsciously drain you of your essence." 

Angelica looked at him lovingly, "That is all?" She murmured walking over to hold his hands. "You fear you will hurt me?" Malphas looked at her pleadingly. "You have to get away from me. The regular souls I have been taking so freely are no longer appetizing. And I scent your soul every day..." Angelica's face fell. "I understand... You need to go on a long term contract. Not just a few months or a couple years." Malphas sighed, "I'm sorry. I cannot guarantee when I will be back. But the life of humans is short. I promise it will not exceed a hundred years. Odds are, it will be less than fifty." 

"Fifty?!" Angelica cried, "You expect me to not see your face for fifty long years?! Malphas- surely there is a way! I- I can give you part of my soul! Will that work?!" Malphas shook his head, "I cannot separate a soul. And besides. Doing so could have.... dire consequences." He looked at her pleadingly. "Please. Understand what I am going through. This is beyond difficult for me as well as you." He cupped her face tentatively and gently let his thumb wipe away her tears. "I will see you again before you know it." 

He looked into the eyes of his beloved and watched her sniffle, "You... You really have to go?" She whispered. Malphas nodded, "I do." Angelica tackled him in a hug and held on tightly. "Then take me with you! Take me with you! Please!" Malphas sighed, "If you went with me, mon ange... You might be unable to return home." Angelica was in tears, "I do not want to leave you! I do not want to be away from you! I love you!" 

There was a long silence. He sighed, "Angelica..." Angelica squeezed her eyes shut, "Don't lie. I know how you feel about me. You are as in love with me as I am you." She looked at him pleadingly, "I went with you for the contract in the medieval era! Why can I not go with now?" Malphas remembered that contract well.

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