His Butler, Playing Lord & His Maid, Playing Nurse

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Aurora's first week at the Phantomhive Manor passed, she still had no memory of Sebastian, yet things between them were... strange to say the least. 

The blonde angel would start her day early, going to the kitchen and making the young master's breakfast- after an unfortunate incident a couple days prior, Sebastian had asked she be the one to make the master's breakfast as Bardroy had accidentally cooked something bad and made Ciel sick for the entire day. Needless to say, Aurora had been the one holding the bucket for the young earl as he was sick, while Sebastian yelled at the chef in the hall and handled the business the boy had passed onto him for the day. 

It had been an average morning in the Phantomhive household. It was Aurora's third or fourth day in employ, and she was cleaning in the hall when she heard the sound of vomiting. She had rushed down the hall, nearly colliding with Sebastian, as they both threw open the doors to the dining room. Ciel was throwing up and Sebastian walked over and nonchalantly said, "Young master? My, are you ill? You appeared just fine this morning." Ciel choked on his own sick, and pointed weakly to the plate of food on the table. Aurora walked over and recoiled at once at the sight. "The salmon." She said, "The salmon is spoiled, as are the eggs." Sebastian narrowed his eyes and marched into the kitchen to scold the chef. He returned a moment or two later with a bucket and handed it to Aurora, "Here. Take him to his room. I will handle the necessary things for the day." Aurora nodded, "Yes, Monsieur Michaelis." 

The butler's day started a bit stressfully. After the mess, he made sure to dress in some finery, wearing a suit he was certain the previous Earl would have worn, and made his way to the study to begin the day of work. He himself had much experience, this would be easy. 

The maid's day on the other hand, however starting much the same, was going to be long and grueling. She'd never cared for a sick child. She didn't know much of what to do. Ciel was coughing all morning, and she held the bucket for him while he was sick. She stroked the young boy's blue locks, humming quietly in attempts to soothe him. Ciel eventually drifted off to sleep, and Aurora took the chance to find Sebastian. She knocked on the office door. 

"Enter." She took a breath before slipping inside, "Monsieur Michaelis?" She said, "I just thought to inform you that the young master is sleeping now." Sebastian was seated at the desk, spectacles resting on the bridge of his nose as he filled out some papers. He glanced up at her as she spoke, his gaze fell over her, she was a shy thing, frightened of almost everything. But as afraid of the world as she was, she was deadly enough to end it if she so chose. At least, that was what Sebastian believed. He stared at her in silence for a few moments. She was beautiful. Incredibly beautiful. Of course, that was a given for angels, and her being a half breed Arch, even more so. Aurora cocked her head to the side and looked at him curiously, "Monsieur? Are you alright?" Sebastian blinked and nodded, "Yes. Yes, of course." Aurora smiled and walked over, "La paperasse, the paperwork- is it more than you bargained for?" Sebastian chuckled, "A bit. But I'm managing." He looked at the blonde, "Would you mind fetching me a glass of water? I think I am a bit parched." The angel smiled and nodded, "Yes, certainly, Monsieur. Right away." He watched her leave and sighed, he knew sooner or later she was going to discover he was a demon. And so he hoped until then he could be as kind to her as possible. For when she discovered his Hellish nature and heritage, he knew she would try and flee. An angel would never willingly be seen with a demon.

Aurora returned with a glass of water and set it down on the counter. Sebastian hummed absentmindedly, "Thank you, dear..." Aurora stiffened and blushed and Sebastian's eyes widened as he realized what he had said. "I-" Aurora cut him off, "It's no trouble, monsieur. I understand." She laughed, "Do I remind you of someone? I know blonde hair and blue eyes isn't a rarity-" Sebastian nodded a bit, "Yes." He said, crimson gaze piercing her silver blue. "Yes, indeed. You remind me of someone very.... close and dear to me..." Aurora smiled sweetly, and he stood, walking over to her, searching her eyes for any hint of recognition. His hand moved on it's own, coming up to cup her face, lightly caressing her skin and making her breath hitch. Such soft succulent skin... Incredibly beautiful eyes... Bright, rosy red pink lips... He was brought back to those many years ago, to when he'd met her. When they'd first kissed, when he'd loved her and she loved him... He found himself being pushed away suddenly.

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