His Butler, On His Feet & His Maid, Governess

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The next morning, the three in the bed awoke to chaos. The servants were running about the halls frantically. Aurora smiled and looked over at Sebastian who stood up, leaning on the bed a bit. "I'll inform them the young master is with us." He murmured. Aurora shook her head, "No. It might be a bit scandalous to them. Just let them be. Ciel's still sleeping." Sebastian frowned, "He needs to be awake, Aurora. It's a bit late. He should have been up at least an hour ago." Aurora carefully slipped out of bed and limped over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Why not let him rest a little longer, Malphas?" Her voice was a soft whisper, and when she used his real name sent shiver down his spine. He sighed, "I will hold you responsible for any work he misses." He murmured, Aurora smirked, "Are you going to punish me for it, butler?" The demon's eyes flashed and he licked his lips. "Assuredly." Ciel gave a small whine from the bed and Aurora made her way back over to the bed and climbed in beside the boy and smiled up at Sebastian. "Well?" She asked, "Aren't you going to come back to bed?" Sebastian smiled sweetly and slipped back in alongside them, his arm around both the angel and his master, while her arm linked with his and their hands rested atop the little lords back. Aurora drifted into sleep easily, while Sebastian remained awake for the next hour before they woke. 

When they all awoke for the day, they sat curled in the bed for a bit. "What made you come down to see us, my lord?" Sebastian asked as Ciel sat curled against his butler and maid. "I had a nightmare." Ciel said, not meeting the butler's crimson gaze. Aurora smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of the boy's head, "Well, your alright now." Ciel nodded. Silence. "Are you feeling better, Sebastian?" He asked. The butler smiled, "Much better than I had been young master." Aurora shot a playful glare at the butler, "Yes. Much better- yet you forget that your supposed to be taking it easy!" Ciel nodded, "Easy meaning?" Aurora smirked, "Meaning he cannot leave the mansion until the end of the week earliest." Sebastian scoffed, "Oh please, Angelica. I could do perfectly fine outside of the manor!" Aurora chuckled, "I think we should confine you to the manor for the time being, after all, this is nothing compared to the months Stolas said you spent bedridden." Sebastian stared and then his eyes darkened. Aurora's teasing smile dropped immediately. "Sebas-?" Sebastian turned to the young master, a shit eating smile on his face, "Would you excuse us for a moment, my lord?" Ciel nodded and slipped off the bed, walking out of the room to sneak back to his own room. Aurora looked at Sebastian, eyes wide and a little afraid noticing his eyes darken with a demonic glow. "Malphas? Malphas I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" The demon growled and turned to get up off the bed. Aurora watched him, "Malphas? Malphas please just talk to me! Why didn't you tell me about the angels? Why?" Her voice cracked, watching as he angrily got dressed. "Malphas?" Her voice came out as a whimper and cracked with tears. "Malphas..." Tears began to fill her eyes and she sat back against the bed and tucked her knees to her chest and buried her face in her knees. The demon was tying his tie when he glanced in the mirror and paused upon seeing her. He sighed and walked over to the edge of the bed and climbed up to sit across from her and lean over to tilt her chin up. His gaze softened noticing the silver blue pools of tears and her reddening face as she tried to force them back. He saw her swallow back a sob and he leaned in and kissed her. She let out the small sob of relief and the demon immediately felt guilty. When he finally pulled away, he rested his head against hers, "I'm not angry at you my angel," he murmured, brushing away tears that leaked from her silver blue eyes. "I didn't want you to have to think about that time anymore." Aurora sniffed and leaned closer to him. "I just wish you would have told me." Sebastian shushed her as she continued to cry. "I didn't wish to see you cry over the past." He smiled, "Now won't you smile, angel? For me?" Aurora gave a small laugh and kissed him, pushing him down on the bed, "I love you, Malphas." The demon smiled up at her and brushed a hand through her long light blonde locks. "And I love you, Angelica. My beautiful angel."

The pair left the room later on, meeting Ciel in the library where Tanaka was trying to teach him history and languages. "We can take it from here, Tanaka." Sebastian said from the doorway, Aurora on his arm. The butler was in his tutoring uniform, Aurora in her blue governess gown. Tanaka gave them a nod, bowed to the earl, and left. "I didn't anticipate you two being back to work so soon," Ciel said surprised. Aurora smiled, "I wouldn't say we're back at work completely, Sebastian wanted to work, so I deemed him able to tutor you. With my help of course." The demon walked over, a limp in his step as he did. Ciel got up, a look of concern shining in his eyes, "I-I can get you one of my father's old canes!" He offered. Both Sebastian and Aurora looked surprised at his words. Ciel calmed a moment later and regained his composure, sitting down and acting like it never happened. The demon and angel shared a look, before beginning the day's lessons. 

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