White Maid, Oneshot #5

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Summary: The journey back on the freighter from the Campania. Sebastian is extremely weak and a dark glimpse into Aurora's time before being brainwashed.

For All Eternity

Sebastian Michaelis was waiting patiently alongside Aurora, Ciel and the Midfords to be seen to by the medical staff onboard the freighter. The group of them were sitting on crates, Sebastian and Aurora on the floor, leaning against the wall of the ship, and the demon's head resting on the angel's shoulder. His breathing was laboured, and it was beginning to worry his angel. She could feel his breathing begin to weaken and quickly adjusted him in her arms. "Sebastian..." Ciel glanced over, a worried look in his eyes as he caught a glimpse of his butler. Sebastian was weak. Weaker than Ciel had ever seen him. The demon was swaddled in a blanket, and being held by the blonde haired angel. Ciel noticed Lizzie beside him, she hadn't let go of him since he'd gotten on the boat. There were doctors swarming the deck. They tended to him first before going to Sebastian. A worried look crossed the doctor's face at the sight of the wound. He stepped aside with Ciel and the Midfords'. "The wound went all the way through, the chances of survival are slim. I doubt he will survive the night." Lizzie gripped Ciel's arm. Ciel glanced back at Sebastian in Aurora's arms. He knew clearly Sebastian would not die. Even if he did, the demon would still be Hell, obeying his every command and would return should his master ordered it.

 The doctor went over to Aurora, "Miss, it would be best if we moved him to a bunk to rest." Aurora nodded, "Yes, of course. Let me go with him, I studied to be a doctor." The other doctor nodded, and Ciel watched with Lizzie and the rest of the Midfords' as the other nurses loaded Sebastian onto a stretcher. Ciel caught a glimpse of the demon butler's crimson eyes. He saw how utterly spent he was. Ciel felt silently horrified as the demon's arm dropped from the stretcher. Aurora quickly moved to catch his fallen arm, and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Ciel watched them leave, staring after them shocked. Lizzie smiled sweetly at him, "Don't worry, Ciel." She said, "I'm sure Sebastian will be fine." Ciel nodded, "Yes... I'm sure he will be just fine."

Sebastian was laid down on a bunk by the medical staff before they left to tend to another patient. Aurora moved close to her beloved demon the moment the door to the bunk shut and they were left alone. Tears filled her eyes as she held his hand tightly to her chest. "Malphas...." Sebastian coughed and squeezed her hand. "I'm fine, Angelica... I will be." Aurora leaned over him and began undoing his shirt, eliciting a strained chuckle from the demon, "Looking for a little action my dear? I am afraid I must decline. I fear I will be unable to satisfy you this evening." Aurora rolled her eyes, "Must you always think of sex?" Sebastian smirked, "I am a demon, darling. And I'm the Lord of Lust." She sighed, "I fear for the day you become King Desideriis." Sebastian frowned, "Let us hope it doesn't happen for some time. Being king would make me unable to leave Hell as often. It is why any kings appearance is such a big deal." Aurora ignored him and ripped open his shirt to survey the damage. She choked a sob at the sight of the scythe wound. It was deep, so deep she could almost see right through him. He must have been in agony. 

Noticing her tears, Sebastian took her hand. "Darling. I'm fine." Aurora shook her head, "No... No your not..." She removed her gloves and moved her hands over him. Sebastian frowned, "What are you doing?" Aurora looked up at  him. "What does it look like?" She said, "I'm going to heal you." Sebastian sighed and pulled her into his arms. He held her for hours. Aurora lay curled in his arms, against the bandages placed there by the doctors earlier, watching as his wound slowly began to heal. The demon's arm was wound tightly around her, and she felt the pain and guilt eating away at her like a ravenous infection. They had lost so much tonight... She closed her eyes and inhaled his musky scent. If only he knew what happened on that dreadful ship. She couldn't tell him now of course, she feared the grief would cease his healing process. And she herself hadn't even known about her condition until after it happened. 

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