White Maid One Shot #9

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Summary; Aurora falls ill. Sebastian jumps to multiple conclusions and panics. Aurora has her own moment.

Set: After mating/marriage, before Weston College

A Demon's True Terror

Sebastian was in a relatively good mood. He was freshly mated to his angel, and nothing could go wrong. The only thing he wasn't so fond of was the upcoming case at Weston College. He wasn't fond of the idea of Aurora wandering about. Speaking of the angel, he hadn't seen her all day. He paused in his work and checked his pocket watch. It was twelve thirty. How could he not have noticed her absence earlier? He set down the object he was cleaning and moved briskly towards his and his mate's room.

When he entered the room was in complete disarray. Aurora lay in the middle of the bed, looking extremely uncomfortable. Sebastian made a face. "Well that's... attractive." His mate was sound asleep, and he smirked at the mark on her neck where he had marked her as his. As he neared her, he noticed the spot softly glowing with the magenta hue of his contract seal. On his own neck, her oath seal pulsed against his flesh a bit in the soft silver blue. He leaned down and pressed a soft, gentle kiss to her neck. "Darling. Darling, it's time to wake up." Aurora moaned and rolled over, "Just five more minutes, mon cher..." Sebastian sighed, "Angelica, do you have any idea what time it is?"

He walked over to the window and threw open the curtains, the sunlight hitting his mate. She rolled over again and pulled the pillow over her head. Sebastian frowned, "Aurora, darling. Are you unwell?" Aurora whined in response and curled closer into the blankets on the bed. Sebastian sighed and moved to stand beside her, turning her so that he could put the back of his hand to her head. He frowned, "You are quite warm..." Aurora hummed. Sebastian went on, "I thought it was rather difficult for immortals to fall ill." Aurora sighed, "I'm not entirely a full angel, l'amour. Remember? Father was an arch, and mother is Fallen." Sebastian sighed, "Yes... I am well aware, my love..." Aurora gave a small cough and Sebastian frowned, turning her over. His eyes narrowed a bit. "You look like hell." Aurora frowned, "Come now, Sebastian. Is that any way to speak to your wife?" She reached out and took his hand, smiling at the sight of their wedding bands.

The white gold wound around the midnight black like vines. Sebastian sighed and relaxed, holding her hand tightly in his. "I suppose you are right, forgive me my angel, I was being inconsiderate." He graced her with a sweet, genuine smile, something he saved only for her. "Good afternoon my darling, how did you sleep?" Aurora hummed, "I slept very-" She cut herself off and furrowed her brow, narrowing her eyes as she did. "Wait- did you say afternoon?" Sebastian hummed, nodding.

 "Mmhmm. It is just past twelve thirty." Aurora sat up suddenly, "What?! How did I- How did I sleep so late?!" Sebastian frowned, "You did feel a little warm. Perhaps you've fallen ill?" Aurora shook her head, "No... I can't remember the last time I was sick actually." Sebastian smirked, "I can." Aurora returned his smirk, "Ah yes... You snuck into Laverné Manor to comfort me." Sebastian hummed leaning over her, "That wasn't all." Aurora blushed a bit. Sebastian chuckled, his pointer finger coming to rest just under her chin and tilting her chin upwards to look at him as stood in a sort of bow. "Come now my dear, you needn't be shy. After all, it is only the two of us here." Aurora smiled, "Yes, I suppose it is." Sebastian's eyes lit with crimson fires of lust as she started to draw back, her eyes giving him a 'come hither' look. He followed after her, almost mechanically, moving to climb onto the bed alongside his mate. He was straddling her before long, and leaning down to kiss her. He had just started to undo the front of her night gown when she suddenly ripped away from him and turned to break into a fit of coughs. An alarmed look crossed the demon's face. "Angelica?! Are you alright?" 

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