The Angel, Innocent & The Demon, Detective

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Sebastian eventually found her some ways away from the manor. Walking over soft airy clouds, he made his presence known with a small hum.

"You've left the property," he stated, "Were you not meant to stay within the parameters?" 

Aurora sniffled and he was beside her in an instant. "What ever is the matter, angel? I was teasing-"

"I know." She whispered softly. "It's just... The chances of this ending in our favor are slim. This may very well be the last I see of the Silver City. I want to make the most of it."

She choked as more tears came, "But I can't! Because I'm trapped in this wretched mansion every time! No matter where I go, there's a mansion like cage! I'm trapped!" She pushed herself into him, fingers digging into his uniform and the side of her face pressed against his heart, "I almost wonder- if the reason I love you, is because you give me a freedom no one else has."

She sniffed, "And what if what we have isn't real?" She settled into her own grief. "What if the reason I love you is based on abuse I suffered at the hands that were there to protect me?"

She shifted away from him, knees tucking up to her chest and burying into the thin skirt. It felt as if everything had been a lie. Everything she'd known, falling apart before her eyes.

Sebastian's expression was emotionless. Lips drawn in a short line, while his eyes held not an ounce of feeling. "I trust you love me because we had the chance to be ourselves away from prying eyes. I trust we work because with you has been the only time in my life I have felt what can only be described as human emotion." 

He looked at her, silver meeting vermillion. "If what is between us was nothing more than a farce, I would not be standing here."

Aurora  sighed as he sat down beside her. "What do you think will happen to us after this?" Sebastian smiled, "If these fools believe our relationship to be based purely on lust, I suggest we prove them wrong."

An idea came to him and he smiled slyly, suddenly moving to cup her face, thumb caressing her chin gently. Her silver eyes stared curiously as he spoke. "Angelica," he purred, "What would you say to a public proposal?"

She blinked, long lashes making her wide eyes appear doe like. "I beg your pardon?"

He smirked, "I propose to you publicly. Effectively keeping you safe for the time being."

He slowly withdrew, "I can buy you more time if you agree to accept my proposal. An engagement may not be binding, but it makes a statement."

The angel sighed, "As much as I love the idea of being engaged, I don't want to get engaged for ulterior reasons." She looked at him, "Besides, it could only prove their point. It could be seen as you pulling me over before they can question me about it."

Sebastian pulled her to his side, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. "Then we can find another way." He assured, "There is still plenty of time to think of a solution, my dear. So don't you worry your pretty little head about it." 

Aurora shot him a warning look, "Do you know what happens if I lose this?" She demanded, "If I lose- I won't be leaving here with you! If they don't sentence me to imprisonment, or eternal torture- they'll kill me!" 

Tears ran down her face, "I'll be dead in a few days, Malphas. I'm terrified. They won't make it quick either- not for me." 

Sebastian glared, "I'll slaughter anyone who tries to hurt you, gods, demons, angels, reapers- they have to kill me before they can get to you."

She was still shaking, and she looked more like a small child than  the angel she was. Small sobs left her, and her silver eyes were like glass.

"It doesn't matter- I'm going to die. Gabriel has never been fond of me. It doesn't matter what the court sees-"

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