Hunted Maid, Wench Butler

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Lilli Michaelis glared at herself in the mirror. "I am disgusted at these clothes, Claude." She hissed. Claude Faustus smiled, "Oh please, Lilli. They are just to help you blend in. Now, let us see our victim- shall we?" 

He held out his hand to her. Lilli scowled and took his hand, ignoring the burning feeling her wedding ring sent through her body. She would have ripped it off, but doing so would give her mate exactly what he wanted. 

A divorce. 

She and Claude entered the small shop owned by the Turners, the missus was their target. Mrs. Turner was a plump older woman, working alongside her husband in a photography shop. The plump woman had not loved her husband for quite some time and was bitter and slowly going insane. 

So Claude and Lilli decided to pay the woman a visit. At hand they had a pouch of dust, dust that sparkled like diamonds but was deadlier than a bullet to the heart. The dust was flammable when ignited by a flash. Going into the shop and introducing themselves as Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and asked to get their photo taken. 

When the husband disappeared into the back, Claude and Lilli put their plan into action. "You dislike him, your husband don't you, Mrs. Turner?" Mrs. Turner froze, "W-What?" Lilli's eyes had a demonic pink glow to them. "Come now, you can tell me. After all, you and I are one in the same." 

She held up her left hand revealing her wedding ring, "My beloved husband cheated on me with a common whore and left me for her." She sniffled, "Don't you know how it feels, Mrs. Turner? To be betrayed? I loved my husband once upon a time, but now he must pay the price for his infidelity." 

Mrs. Turner nodded, "What do you expect me to do?" She questioned. Claude and Lilli shared a small smile and Claude handed her the pouch of dust. "This dust will catch anything on fire easily," He said. "If you wish to ruin your husband and free yourself to live a happier life,  then simply dust off the clientele with this dust and watch them burn alive." Mrs. Turner was hesitant, but after a few moments took the dust from them. A wicked smile spread across the two demon's faces.

"Today we have a black forest tea cake with a cup of Earl Grey tea, my lord." Aurora said as she set the tray down before the young Earl. Ciel looked thrilled at the sight of the tea cake and tucked in almost immediately. Ciel let out a moan of approval and happily snacked on the cake. Aurora laughed, "Eat slowly, Ciel! You're going to choke!" 

Ciel muttered something incoherent but as soon as Sebastian entered the room the boy froze, chocolate smeared all over his face. Sebastian sighed, "Young master, what have I told you about spoiling your dinner?" He looked at Aurora with a slight frown, "Aurora you know better than to give him sweets before dinner. Especially when they include chocolate." Aurora flashed him a sweet smile, "Come now, Sebastian- he's been keeping up to date on all his work both professional and school, I thought he deserved a nice reward." 

Sebastian sighed and set down the day's mail and paper. Ciel thumbed through the newspaper, frowning when his gaze fell on something. "What's this?" He wondered aloud pointing to an article. Aurora leaned down to look at it. "Hmm. It appears that there's a case of young newly wed ladies being mysteriously burnt to death in London." 

Her gaze drifted down and furrowed her brow, "Her majesty entrusts the situation to the Guard Dog and the Spider in hopes of preventing further incidents." Aurora looked up questioningly at Sebastian and Ciel, "Who is this Spider? I haven't heard you speak of him." Sebastian looked to the Earl. "Master?" 

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