White Maid Oneshot #61

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A/N: The long awaited oneshot! Totaling at 29,117 words- this has been a work in progress since October. I'm pretty proud of this one, giving an insight on both Ciel and Lizzy's relationship as well as Sebastian and Aurora's. We'll be seeing a few of things here come back in the future, and at the bottom of this, there's a little hint at what's to come. (Considering I have the next fifty or so chapters for the main story done) However can't put out the next bit with the hotel and all, it's staying in drafts until further notice. I don't want to publish the entire section, because there will be inconsistencies.

 Especially as there is a couple mini arcs after taking a total of maybe a week to two weeks after leaving the hotel. Example being I've been hearing RCiel and Undertaker will appear at the hotel and had the arc written before finding that out. Until then- I have a few flashback chapters I can post, and I can always make more until the manga catches up. But, without further ado- the longest oneshot I've probably made. (And the one I've dubbed- the one where Sebastian and Aurora are just way too horny)

Summary; A short vacation to France, at Lady Elizabeth's request-  causes an unintentional catastrophe for Ciel as Sebastian and Aurora, newly engaged (and still sleeping together- making Ciel fear for scandal), run into several things from their past, making both of them act out of turn- something that absolutely pisses off the young lord, but intrigues Elizabeth to no end, making her crave a relationship akin to the butler and maid duo. 

Set; After Campania Arc. Before wedding

Do You Remember Way Back When?

Aurora was packing her bags, excited for the upcoming trip- she may not have known exactly where they were off to this time, but she was happy to have some form of vacation at least. She glanced over her shoulder towards the doorway as Sebastian poked his head into her room. "Do you need any help with your luggage, cherie?" He asked sweetly. Aurora shook her head, hoisting her bag into her arms. "I can manage!" 

Sebastian hummed in amusement and took the bag anyways, pulling it over his shoulder while the blonde followed after him. "I could carry it myself, Sebastian!" Sebastian smirked back at her, "I cannot let a lady carry luggage that would be far too heavy for her." By now they were outside at the carriage and he was loading the bags into the back. "After all," he turned to face her with a charming smile and gave a mock bow, "what kind of butler would I be?"

Aurora followed him back inside, a checklist at hand, "So where exactly are we off to this time?" She asked, "We haven't been back from that wretched boat cruise for very long." Sebastian hummed, "Lady Elizabeth wanted to take a trip with the young master for the weekend as he was unable to accompany her and the rest of the Midford clan on a boat cruise of sorts." Aurora nodded, "Understandable. So, where has Ciel compromised to take her?" Sebastian chuckled, "I think you will quite enjoy it." Aurora walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck from behind, leaning on him. "Tell me."

Sebastian glanced back at her with a sly smile on his face. "The French countryside." Aurora's eyes widened, "Where we told them we grew up?" Sebastian gave a small nod, "Need not worry, I've made the arrangements. Our charade will prevail." He smirked, "Funny enough, there was actually a mansion for rent that looked quite similar to what we described in our story." Aurora nodded, "So we will be staying in a country manor?" Sebastian nodded, "The young master looked into it. I think he just wants to see us squirm."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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