White Maid Oneshot #6

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Summary: Following the events in the Doomsday Arc, Sebastian and Aurora have a moment to themselves. Sebastian laments about their relationship a few hundred years ago in attempts to jog his angel's memory. Aurora vaguely recalls bits and pieces of her past.


Rain against a window. The drops of water rained down from the Heavens above like there was no tomorrow. 

Aurora Magne was humming quietly, wearing a long brown dress made for lounging about in. She sat in the wide windowsill, one of her legs dangling, swinging back and forth and back and forth. She had a book in her hands, reading quietly and a pretty black cat sat in her lap. She was in the servants lounge area, it was a quiet evening after the mess with Angela at the chapel. She glanced up briefly as she detected the demon butler's presence. She smiled warmly, "Hello, Sebastian." 

The demon smiled at her, fondly, remembering those blissful one thousand years they had spent together. "Hello darl- Aurora." Aurora hadn't noticed his slip up, and smiled sweetly at him. He glanced down at the cat on her lap. He smiled, "Noire seems quite taken with you."

 Aurora nodded and giggled a bit. 

Just like soft sleigh bells. Sebastian thought. 

"So that is this little ones name," she said, scratching the cat behind the ears. "She's a delight, Sebastian. Is she yours?" Sebastian chuckled, "Somewhat. I do feed her from time to time, but unfortunately the young master is rather allergic." Aurora gasped. "oh mon Dieu! I didn't know!"

 Sebastian chuckled walking over to pick up the cat, which purred and climbed up onto his shoulder. Aurora smiled and glanced back to the window. Sebastian followed her gaze outside to where Finnian was running about, Bardroy and Mey-Rin in tow. Aurora frowned, "Oh cher... Sebastian? Should we go out as well and help them?" 

Sebastian shook his head, "No." He offered the angel his hand, "We have a few things to talk about. As I am sure you are aware." His eyes had a soft demonic glow, a glow that reflected silver in the angel's eyes. She gave a nod, "Oh. Yes. Of course." She took his hand and allowed him to help her down. 

Twenty minutes later, Sebastian was pouring her a cup of tea. The angel took it gratefully, and took a sip. Sebastian began to speak as he finished setting the tea and snack out for them. 

"So. You are an angel."

Aurora nodded, "Yes. And you are a demon." 

Sebastian smirked, "That I am."

 Aurora sighed, "I don't have intentions to stop you from your meal. Even if I did I doubt it would amount to anything." Sebastian nodded, "That is good. It saves me the trouble of having to kill you." Aurora shuddered a bit at that. Sebastian went on, "So what does bring you here?" Aurora frowned and leaned back. "I would rather not say." Sebastian frowned, "Were you exiled? You are not Fallen so I cannot sense why you would be cast from Heaven."

Aurora squeezed her eyes shut and began to shiver, biting her tongue and whimpering a bit as she saw the bloodied body of her father in her mind. Sebastian frowned and looked slightly concerned. "Miss Magné? Are you alright?" Aurora choked a small sob and wiped her eyes. "Fine. I'm fine." She sighed and took a shaky sip of her tea. "The Arch... lies dead." 

Sebastian's eyes widened at that. "The Arch?" He repeated curiously. Aurora nodded, "The Arch Michael Laverné. My... father." Sebastian tensed at that name. He was well aware already this was his angel. But he wanted to find out how much she knew. "I see." Aurora sighed, "Anyways, I don't want to talk about that." Sebastian nodded, "Of course." He paused. "Might I ask you something?" 

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