His Butler & Maid, In Chinoiseries

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"Sebastian!" Aurora's frantic voice pulled the demon from his memories. He took her firmly by the arms and sighed, "Chéri. Relaxer. Nous irons bien." Aurora shook her head, tears in her silver blue eyes. "But- it- c'est comme quand j'étais chassé, Sebastian! Je- j'ai peur! Pas seulement pour Ciel, mais pour nous tous! Promets-moi que tout ira bien?!" Sebastian nodded, "Yes. I promise, Aurora. Now, let's get out of here."   

They were running down a corridor when they came to rest. After some time, they stopped to rest and make camp. Sebastian gave Aurora his tailcoat after she began shivering, and then joined her as her shivering refused to cease. "So, what is your love story?" Finny asked, "I'm kind of curious. If your both an angel and demon- how does a relationship like that even work?" Aurora smiled and glanced at Sebastian, "Oh, it wasn't too easy. We had to sneak away from family." Sebastian nodded, "It was quite the secret affair. By demon standards, I was about fifteen and Aurora was thirteen." Aurora nodded, "Don't forget how you constantly had to get away from your siblings." Sebastian sighed, "Yes. Most unfortunately." Bard frowned, "Your brother and sister? They seemed alright when we met them earlier." Sebastian smirked, "Because they were behaving. And they've grown. They used to be absolute nightmares." He sighed, "Not to mention they aren't my only siblings. Demons have multiple spawn. Most never stop having children once they're mated. Then it's the fledglings job to fend for itself once it reaches the human age of ten." The servants stared in shock, "Ten?!" Sebastian suddenly looked over down a dark sewage tunnel. "We need to keep moving."

They were walking through the tunnels, Finny and Mey-Rin asking question after question to Aurora, who answered every last question. Much to Sebastian's displeasure.  

"What's Heaven like?!"

"Oh! What about when you first realized you loved Sebastian?!"

Bardroy glanced up at Sebastian, "Are they gonna shut up anytime soon?" The cook asked. Sebastian sighed and shook his head, "It does not sound like it." He said dejectedly. Aurora was walking ahead of the group, going on a rant about something, trying to answer a question Finny asked. 

"Well technically speaking, demons and angels are supposed to be bitter enemies, but I guess one could say Sebastian and I solidified a sort of peace with our union." Sebastian caught her hand as she skipped by him and spun her around as though she were a ballerina. "Yes, while most of our kind despise each other, the union of the daughter of an Arch and a Hell Lord solidified the ever breaking truce between Heaven and Hell." Mey-Rin and Finny looked on confused, "Truce?" Aurora nodded, "Contrary to belief, there is a formed alliance between the realms of Heaven and Hell. While this alliance only comes into effect in dire circumstances, generally the two sides absolutely despise each other." Sebastian nodded, "The truce has been crumbling for over a millennia, far longer than either of us have even been alive. The truce started to cease when too many angels were seduced by demons. Some became the mates of said demons, others became dinner." He pulled Aurora close  to his chest, "After all, the soul of an angel is worth a thousand of the finest souls." 

Not long after, they were walking through the sewage again. Sebastian cursed as the lantern went out and pulled a flame into his hand with demonic magic. Aurora looked over, "Do you want me to light the flame?" She offered, "The light I can provide will surely be brighter." Sebastian shook his head, "It will be too bright. We need to see where we are going. Not allow our pursuers to locate us." Aurora nodded and carried on walking, "How much longer do you suppose we'll be walking, Sebastian?" The demon frowned, "Quite some time, I'm afraid." Aurora stopped suddenly, feeling something squish under her foot. "I think I stepped in something again." Sebastian kept walking past her. "Pay no attention to it. Keep walking." Aurora sighed and obeyed. "Honestly, I'd much rather-" She cut herself off hearing something. "Malphas. Do you hear that?" Sebastian stopped and turned around, the entire group stopping.

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