White Maid Oneshot #46

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Summary; Sebastian sends Ciel to bed after the boy won't eat his dinner. But Ciel has other plans.

Set; After Book Of Murders, after Phantom & Ghost special, before Book of Atlantic

Ciel's Midnight Snack

Ciel Phantomhive sat at the dining room table one night. He had recently returned from the Rose Manor a few days prior, and now, life was going back to normal. Sebastian was currently beside him, going through a list of documents that needed the young earl's approval. "And then you must sign... and.... and then...." Ciel had zoned out and stopped paying any attention whatsoever to the demon butler. "Sebastian." He said suddenly, "When is-" The doors to the kitchen opened and Aurora Magne came out with a plate of- salad?! She set it down before the boy and ruffled his hair affectionately.

"The first course is a salad with feta cheese, red bell peppers, oranges, and some mint accompanied with a balsamic vinaigrette." She stepped back beside the butler and Ciel stared at the plate in front of him.

"Sebastian. Aurora." He said drawing their attention from where they had been murmuring to each other. "Hmm?" Ciel pointed at the plate, "What is that?" Aurora glanced over, "That would be lettuce, my lord." Ciel sighed, "I don't like lettuce. Send it back." Aurora and Sebastian both looked as if they were going to roll their eyes at him. "But my lord, you must eat your vegetables." Ciel shrugged, resembling a bratty child now. "I don't eat vegetables. I'm above that sort of thing." Sebastian snickered, "And that is exactly why you are below everyone else. You see, if you don't eat your vegetables, you won't get any taller." Aurora gasped and choked a laugh at the demon's words. Sebastian smiled slyly, "Now stop acting like a child and eat your greens."

Ciel looked offended, "Acting like a child?!" The boy exclaimed. "Why, yes." Sebastian said, still having that devilish smirk on his face whie his lover stood behind him, sputtering with laughter. Ciel slammed his fists on the table, "I am not..." He trailed off realizing he had slammed his fists down. Like a child. He recomposed himself and relaxed, "...Acting like a child." He finished. Sebastian gave a small bow, "Of course. Would you like me to instead prepare a spinach salad with-"


The butler and maid frowned and looked at the boy. "I don't want any greens. At all." Aurora sighed, "Very well. Then perhaps a carrot would be more pleasing to your palette, petit cheri?" Ciel groaned, grumbling to himself. "For the love of... Just leave me alone. Both of you. I'll eat the oranges." Aurora was in front of him, a spoonful of the salad at hand. "My lord, you simply must eat it all, it is for your health." She smiled sweetly, "Now come now, open wide and I shall feed it to you if you will not eat it yourself." Ciel scoffed, "Like you care about my health." Sebastian chuckled a bit darkly at that.

"As a matter of fact, I do. As always your well being is of upmost importance to Aurora and myself, and you will never gain your revenge if you are starving and sick." Ciel pushed the plate away, "Whatever. I'm not hungry." Aurora looked at Sebastian with a small frowned. The butler looked rather annoyed now, "In that case," he said, "I will prepare your bath and you can go straight to bed." Ciel's eye widened a bit. "Bed? C-Can't I have a snack first?!" Aurora frowned, removing the plate and handing it to Bardroy who came to fetch it. "I thought le jeune maître was not hungry?" (T; the young master)

It was around 3 am that night when Ciel awoke from the pains of hunger. Oh no. I'm hungry. The boy felt his stomach gurgle in protest of being empty. Damn demon, it's all Sebastian's fault! Or is it Aurora's? The boy shook his head and climbed out of bed, making me go to bed without dinner- how cruel can they be?! He scoffed as he wandered down the hall to the kitchen, careful to be quiet. "I suppose I'll have to sneak myself something from the butler's pantry." He murmured as he got to the kitchen.

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