Hurt Maid, Solo Butler

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Several days had passed since Ciel's rescue.

Today, they were on a boat in the water, Ciel was dozing while Elizabeth sat near the bow looking at the scenery they passed by. Aurora sat in the rear, in front of where Sebastian was stood rowing behind her. 

The angel was watching the young earl sleep. She and Sebastian no longer shared the bed with Ciel considering he was getting back to being his normal self. But there would be the occasional nightmare that left the boy wide awake, and would ask them to stay with him until he could fall asleep. 

Aurora and Sebastian stood beside Ciel as he delivered his speech about the new dam. The white maid spared a glance at the butler, who stood stoic as always. When it came to being in public and serving his master he was always at full attention. 

"He's come a long way," Aurora remarked quietly, "Just days ago he was like a helpless babe, needing our constant attention."

Sebastian hummed in amusement. "Indeed. Like a mewling kitten if I say so myself."

He looked at the angel, a fond look in his eye, "How I've missed your company, my dear."

Aurora smirked, "Tch. You missed me that much? You couldn't possibly."

Sebastian smiled, "Our life is a long one, Angelica. You and I, we are immortal. We never die." His smile turned into a smirk, "I missed you very much, my angel. And know that I do not plan to let you leave my side anytime soon."

After Ciel had finished his speech, Sebastian nodded for Aurora to follow them to greet the guests. Aurora fell into step beside the butler, holding back a chuckle as Ciel confronted a group of three people who were gossiping about him and his company. When they left Ciel's smile fell instantly. "What tiresome people," Ciel sighed. 


The sound of clacking heels approached rapidly, and Ciel's eyes widened as Lady Elizabeth slammed into his arms. "Elizabeth!" He cried, barely managing to catch her and staggering a bit. Aurora glanced briefly at Sebastian, the demon butler was emotionless, watching the young lord and his fiancé. "I'm so very excited! Look at this Ciel!" Elizabeth cried.

Aurora chuckled but was quickly nudged by Sebastian and received an evil look from the butler.

"What?" she murmured, "It was funny."

Sebastian hummed, "Behave yourself, my dear..."

Aurora sighed, rolling her eyes before she regained her composure, watching as the children conversed. "Whatever it is I can't see it like this!" Ciel snapped. Elizabeth pulled away, her green eyes bright with happiness. "It's a deer!" 

Ciel looked confused. "A.. Deer?" He said slowly. 

"There's an elusive deer living on a hill near here and its ever so rare!" Elizabeth exclaimed. Ciel scoffed, "Oh is it now?" 

Elizabeth handed Ciel the paper article, allowing him to read it over. "Its a cute white stag that makes people happy!" She squealed. Ciel browsed the article, "I've never heard of such a thing."

Aurora hummed, peeking over his shoulder. "There is a legend I believe," she began, "the elusive white stag of which you speak is traditionally considered a messenger of the other world, those who receive his message are supposedly blessed with good fortune and happiness."

Elizabeth's eyes sparkled, "Yes! You know absolutely everything don't you, Aurora?!" Aurora curtsied, "Why thank you, my lady." Ciel sighed, "It's nothing but a stupid fairytale," Sebastian's eyes seemed to narrow at this. Elizabeth whined, "No, its true! There are witnesses and everything!" 

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